Metasploit commands list msf The quickest way to get started is to download the Metasploit nightly installers. Allows the user to setup a payload handler as a background job from a single command. Maryam interface is very similar to Metasploit 1 and Metasploit 2. bat. Search for a module: msf > search [regex] Use a module:msf > use [module_path] Show options for the current module: msf > show options. List available payloads: msfvenom -l payloads Class: Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher::Creds Inherits: Object. An asterisk This module connects to the Metasploit msf daemon and uses the ruby interpreter to achieve a shell. msf4/fav_modules file. Use the show targets command to view a list of potentially vulnerable targets. An example for windows to launch this from the meterpreter shell: meterpreter > execute -f cmd. back Once you have finished working with a particular module use the back Description. The user must define the data type of each argument that the BOF file Sep 1, 2023 · The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides data about security vulnerabilities and assists in penetration testing. linemax - Maximum number of characters per command. A module is a piece of software that the Metasploit Framework uses to perform a task, such as exploiting or scanning a target. The MSFconsole is the most commonly used interface to work with the Metasploit Framework. Jan 29, 2022 · flavor - You can specify what command stager (flavor) to use from here. msf > workspace -a HR. Use the hosts command to view a list of hosts that the database contains. Most modules display a list of targets that may be vulnerable to the exploit. When possible the username is separated by an underscore, and anything after it is the password. You can query this database to generate the required reports. Also, to check the session ID, use the sessions command. - [Instructor] Now that we have familiarized ourself with the Metasploit framework and the MSF console, let us look at some basic commands of msfconsole. Using Metasploit, you can access disclosed exploits for a wide variety of applications and operating systems. Metasploit Framework comes pre-installed on Kali Linux operating system. Moore in 2003, which was later acquired by Rapid7. root@kali:~# msfconsole -h Usage: msfconsole [options] Common options: -E, --environment ENVIRONMENT Set Rails environment, defaults to RAIL_ENV environment variable or 'production' Database options: -M, --migration-path DIRECTORY Specify a directory containing additional DB migrations -n, --no-database Disable database support -y, --yaml PATH Specify #build_jmx_get_object_instance_args Msf::Exploit::Remote::Java::Rmi::Client::Jmx::Connection::Builder Sep 26, 2021 · Metasploit is the ultimate penetration testing tool for offensive security. 4. Viewing a List of Hosts. Ctrl+Z. A notable subproject of Metasploit is the open-source Metasploit Framework—a tool used to develop and run exploit code on remote target systems. For list of all metasploit modules, a list of targets msf auxiliary(pop3) > set TARGET target-id msf auxiliary(pop3) > show options show and set options Feb 7, 2022 · Basic commands of Metasploit Framework. The following scan reports are supported: Foundstone Network Inventory XML For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library. we can add them to our database with the creds -a command. If the exploit supports automatic targeting, it is always the first item on the list (or index 0). List of Metasploit payloads May 10, 2024 · Whether you're a seasoned red teamer or just starting out, this cheat sheet will put all the essential commands and modules right at your fingertips. If the console successfully loads, you'll see the following prompt: Getting Help for MSFconsole Commands This page contains detailed information about how to use the exploit/multi/handler metasploit module. “Msfconsole“ is the primary interface to the Metasploit framework. Oct 8, 2020 · Explore all 350+ Metasploit post exploitation modules - information gathering, extracting credentials, screen capture, privilege escalation, pivoting, lateral movement, forensics etc. msf > exploit Managing Metasploit Pro Console Commands. D. e, exploit no. getResourceAsStream() on Apache Tomcat servers. msf-pro > hosts Hosts ===== addresss mac name os_name os_flavor os_sp purpose info comments The msfconsole has many different command options to chose from. At the minimum, this is how your exploit should start when you're using the CmdStager mixin: Note: To run a local exploit, make sure you are at the msf prompt. Selects the correct cmd stager decoder to use based on three rules: (1) use the decoder provided in input options, (2) use the decoder provided by the user through datastore options, (3) select the default decoder for the current cmd stager flavor if available. Set Options. In this section, we’ll talk about some of the basic Metasploit commands that you’re going to need all the time. e. msfupdate is an important administration Metasploit Commands. msf > workspace -a IT. 13 RC1 which allows unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary operating system commands as the web server user if password encryption is enabled (disabled by default). sessions -I. Fire up the Metasploit console by typing in msfconsole. Installation instructions for NFS can be found for every operating system. Aug 6, 2020 · Metasploit fetches a list of relevant exploit to use alongwith its description. If the console successfully loads, you'll see the following prompt: Getting Help for MSFconsole Commands Basically this is a list of setups the developers have tested before making the exploit publicly available. favorite is an msfconsole command that allows users to easily keep track of their most-used modules. After you choose an exploit, you can run the following command to view the payloads that are available: When you use a certain payload, Metasploit adds the generate, pry, and reload commands. Tab completion for the dns command. 5m2s, 10d, or 1d5m. sysinfo: Show the system name and OS type. 17. Usually, this occurs when an application passes unsafe user input from a form to the server, but this can also happen with cookies, HTTP headers, and other sources Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. transport next - This command will cause Meterpreter to shut down the current transport, and attempt to reconnect to Metasploit using the next transport in the list of transports. It is used--to some extent--by nearly every hacker/pentester. Launch on Windows The msfvenom tool can be used to generate Metasploit payloads (such as Meterpreter) as standalone files and optionally encode them. You For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library. You can run any command as SYSTEM. Once installed, type msfconsole in your terminal of choice. Msfupdate: to update Metasploit Framework to its latest version, this command can be used. Here I am on my msfconsole screen. 16. this command would kill any metasploit job running as job #1. It is owned by Rapid7, a US-based cybersecurity firm. Channel: Displays information about active channels: Exit/Quit: Terminate the meterpreter session: Info: Displays information about a Post module: Load: Load one or more meterpreter extensions: hashdump This module attempts to create a new table, then execute system commands in the context of copying the command output into the table. Many modules are provided and Modules. )] LPORT=[LocalPort] Example Metasploit is one of the most widely used platforms for developing, testing, and executing exploits against vulnerable systems. Viewing the Current Workspace. If you prefer to run the console from the command line, open a terminal and run the following commands: $ cd /metasploit $ console. delay - How much time to delay between each command execution. The MSFconsole has many different command options to chose from. For example, in msfconsole, you can set the ConsoleLogging option in order to log all the console input/output - something that’s kind of handy for documentation purposes during a pentest. Dec 11, 2017 · Metasploit Framework is a priceless open-source a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Apr 26, 2024 · Basic Metasploit Commands Search for a Module msf > search [regex] Specify an Exploit msf > use exploit/[ExploitPath] Set a Payload msf > set PAYLOAD [PayloadPath] Show Options for Current Modules msf > show options Set Options msf > set [Option] [Value] Start Exploit msf > exploit Useful Auxiliary Modules Port Scanner msf > use auxiliary In Metasploit Framework, TCP sockets are implemented as Rex::Socket::Tcp, which extends the built-in Ruby Socket base class. 9 RC1 to 2. The third argument can be a sequence of alternating amounts and units of time (d: days, h: hours, m: minutes, and s: seconds), i. This will give you access to both the free, open-source Metasploit Framework and a free trial of Metasploit Pro. #name ⇒ Object The second is by using the "use" command at the msf prompt. There are a couple of steps you need to do: 1. If you Using the Favorite Command. msf-pro > pro_discover 192. Of note in the above example, last_checkin requires an extra argument. This is a list of common Pro Console commands that you can use as a quick reference. Search for: bind tcp meterpreter linux Display only meterpreter payloads for listening on a compromised Linux system using TCP. Whilst in test environments one is often looking at flat networks that only have one subnet and one network environment, the reality is that when it comes to pentests that are attempting to compromise an entire company, you will often have to deal with multiple networks, often with switches or firewalls in-between that are intended to keep these networks separate from one another. Metasploit Framework Console. This module bolts the two together. See the Kali documentation for how to get started using Metasploit in Kali Linux. ) and list of all Meterpreter commands for Android. Originally written by skape BadChar support added by David Rude Updated to take the payload and options by Joshua J. Help in the development of penetration tests and IDS signatures, metasploit is very popular tool used by pentest experts. This module examines the sudoers configuration for the session user and lists the commands executable via sudo. Drake # File 'plugins/nexpose. Oct 24, 2018 · Command Injection Primer. See full list on stationx. Metasploit saves all results and findings from your scans into a PostgreSQL database. msf > creds -a 172. It provides an “all-in-one” centralized console and allows you efficient access to virtually all of the options available in the MSF. And it’s so easy to use that even you could claim to be a hacker just by running a few commands. Top 20 Microsoft Azure Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations; CMS Vulnerability Scanners for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, Typo3. transport prev - This command is the same as transport next , except that it will move to the previous transport on the list, and not the next one. In keeping with the Kali Linux Network Services Policy, no network services, including database services, run on boot as a default, so there are a couple of steps that need to be taken in order to get Metasploit up and running with database support. Step 3: Update the database . TECHNIQUE. To create a workspace, use the workspace command and the -a option to create a workspace. The second argument must be either greater_than or less_than. If you’re using Kali Linux, Metasploit is already pre-installed. Include the Msf::Exploit::CmdStager mixin. Let’s merge them as much as we can to make it easier to change them across the board (e. IT *ACC. Adding modules to the favorites list. Jun 5, 2021 · List of all 50+ Metasploit Android modules (exploits, privilege escalation, post exploitation, payloads . These are the most important metasploit commands you’ll ever need. The xp_cmdshell stored procedure is disabled by default, but Metasploit will attempt to enable it which requires elevated privileges. Mar 13, 2012 · Here is a list with the most often used commands of Metasploit Framework console. Mar 3, 2017 · You can execute commands on remote device. msfvenom this is tool can be used to generate Metasploit payloads as standalone Since this example uses purely msfconsole commands, the easiest way to create a resource script is through the makerc command available in msfconsole. Apr 28, 2020 · Metasploit is a penetration testing framework that helps you find and exploit vulnerabilities. Apr 15, 2021 · Thus, this list should contain all Metasploit exploits that can be used against Windows based systems. When xp_cmdshell is selected, the corresponding stored procedure is used. To view the current workspace, use the workspace command to list all workspaces. This is the command line interface for the framework which can be launched by typing in msfconsole in the command line. 4. Search for a Module. g. msf > workspace -a ACC default. Now let’s move on to the fun stuff. Attempts to connect to the previously configured database, and additionally keeps track of the currently loaded data service. View Metasploit Framework Documentation Go to the Start menu and choose All Programs > Metasploit > Framework > Metasploit Console. You The second is by using the "use" command at the msf prompt. Metasploit Project is a computer security project which provide information about vulnerabilities. We aim to give you a solid understanding of how the Metasploit Framework works and how to use it effectively. Perform command line escaping wherein most chars are able to be escaped by quoting them, but others don’t have a valid way of existing inside quotes, so we need to “glue” together a series of sections of the original command line; some sections inside quotes, and some outside. help: help command Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. Table of Contents. For testing Hashcat/JtR integration, this is a common list of commands to import example hashes of many different types. . The Metasploit Framework is an open-source tool released under a BSD-style license. $ msfvenom –p [PayloadPath] –f [FormatType] LHOST=[LocalHost (if reverse conn. There are two methods of adding a module to the favorites list. The outcome of this tutorial will be to gather information on a host and its running services and their versions and vulnerabilities, rather than to exploit an unpatched service. You can use the RPC interface to locally or remotely execute Metasploit commands to perform basic tasks like running modules, communicating with the database, interacting with sessions, exporting data, and generating reports. So you can execute what you need on the android, or upload a file and then execute that file or whatever you need. Jan 15, 2023 · Welcome back, my aspiring cyber warriors!In this series, I will introduce you to the world's most popular hacking/pentesting platform, Metasploit!Metasploit is the world's leading exploitation/hacker framework. It’s a crucial Go to the Start menu and choose All Programs > Metasploit > Framework > Metasploit Console. msf > workspace. This guide focuses on Post modules for gathering additional information from a host after a Metasploit session has opened. We've scoured through the docs and have put together the essential list of commands in an easy-to-reference Metasploit cheat sheet. Highlighted in red underline is the version of Metasploit. If you know the victim machine’s operating system and version, you can specify the target for the exploit. lcd: Change directory on local (attacker’s) machine. Its main admin interface, the Metasploit console has many different command options to chose from. 2. . This module can be used when the vulnerable service is only listening on localhost and the attacker has not achieved a foothold on the machine. msf > use exploit/windows/local/wmi msf exploit(wmi) > show targets a list of targets msf exploit(wmi) > set TARGET target-id msf exploit(wmi) > show options show and set options msf exploit(wmi) > set SESSION session-id msf exploit(wmi) > exploit Jun 20, 2024 · Here are the commands to install metasploit in Termux: //kutt. jobs -k 0. File System Commands: cd: Change directory. 25 is default. Nov 17, 2017 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have NFS is very common, and this scanner searches for a mis-configuration, not a vulnerable software version. Getting started. Maryam provides a command-line interface that you can run on Kal You can learn more about the primary use of payloads in the 5. Metasploit post modules replace old Meterpreter scripts, which are no longer maintained or accepted by the framework team. The workspace that you create becomes the current workspace. msf > set [Option] [Value] Start Exploit. -c <opt> Run a command on the session given with -i, or all-d List all inactive sessions-h Help banner-i <opt> Interact with the supplied session ID-k <opt> Terminate sessions by session ID and/or range-l List all active This module exploits a vulnerability in VICIdial versions 2. Metasploit benefits from a huge database of exploits and vulnerabilities. For list of all metasploit to the Metasploit msf daemon and uses the ruby interpreter to achieve a shell. 168. hide. Maryam is based upon Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), the easiest and useful tool for reconnaissance. Metasploit Pro Web Interface msf > workspace -a ACC. To use an exploit we have “ use ” command. Technique to use for command execution. For detailed licensing information, refer to the COPYING file. Let we choose one to bruteforce ssh login, i. Each target has an ID and operating system. The second is by using the "use" command at the msf prompt. Nov 7, 2022 · Some basic commands to get familiar with the MSF console are : 1. Apr 26, 2024 · Basic Metasploit Commands. Metasploit supports most of the major scanners on the market, including Rapid7's own Nexpose, and other tools like Qualys and Core Impact. Oct 23, 2024 · This Metasploit cheat sheet offers quick access to essential commands and modules, regardless of your skill level. Msf::Exploit::CmdStager Template. Base Commands:? / help: Display a summary of commands exit / quit: Exit the Meterpreter session. Oct 4, 2023 · This will start the Metasploit Framework and provide you with the msfconsole prompt, where you can input commands. Using the Favorite Command. when changing the data model) and to make it easier to have parallel branches for stable Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. B shows a list of currently running MSF jobs. msf > use exploit/[ExploitPath] Set a Payload. rb', line 16 def commands {' nexpose_connect ' => ' Connect to a running Nexpose instance ( user:pass@host[:port] ) ', ' nexpose_save ' => ' Save credentials to a Nexpose instance ', ' nexpose_activity ' => ' Display any active scan jobs on the Nexpose instance ', ' nexpose_scan ' => ' Launch a Nexpose scan against a This page contains detailed information about how to use the payload/windows/x64/exec metasploit module. To view the current workspace, use the workspace command to list all The second is by using the "use" command at the msf prompt. 5. Let's take a look at the following example: msf > workspace demo Sep 5, 2020 · Metasploit Framework (MSF) is a commonly-used tool for exploitation. The list is organized in an interactive table (spreadsheet) with the most important information about each module in one row, namely: Exploit module name with a brief description of the exploit; List of platforms and CVEs (if specified in the This page contains detailed information about how to use the payload/windows/exec metasploit module. You can automatically scan, test, and exploit systems using code that other hackers have includes transaction name, parameters and data, multiple of 16 to make FRAG_TAG_OFFSET valid The msfconsole is probably the most popular interface to the Metasploit Framework (MSF). This module should work on all Postgres systems running version 9. Latest Version Metasploit Meterpreter. If your target machine isn’t on the list, it’s better to assume the exploit has never been tested on that particular setup. msfupdate Command. This opens up the msfconsole interface in which we Integration of separate Metasploit projects into fewer repos (rex / payloads / metasploit data models) Metasploit is spread out across over a dozen different repos. Quick way You an have everything up and running, by starting the PostgreSQL service and set it up just by doing: There are tons of payloads that are available in Metasploit, so it might be overwhelming to figure out which payloads you can use for specific exploits. msf > search [regex] Specify an Exploit. If something is not listed here, type help in the console for a list of all options. Table Of Contents. Although there are many flavors of mixins/stagers, you only need to include Msf::Exploit::CmdStager when writing a Metasploit exploit. tcp normal No Generic Command Shell, Bind TCP Inline Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. If you use the “help” command it gives a complete list of commands it does support. Sessions command helps us to interact and manipulate the various sessions created through the exploits while hacking. Jan 2, 2023 · Maryam v1. Luckily, you can easily view the payloads that are supported for an exploit. 0. Usage: db_connect <options> <url> Options:-l,--list-services - List the available data services that have been previously saved. The Metasploit products are written primarily in Ruby, which is the easiest way to use the remote API. Also, it is incredibly powerful as well. list current sessions. 3 and above. Download a PDF version of the Metasploit cheat sheet here to keep on your desk. This article goes over using a reverse shell to get a session. Start the Metasploit console. This page contains detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/server/ftp metasploit module. Command injection is a type of attack in which arbitrary operating system commands are executed on the host via a vulnerable web application. Some useful reporting commands are: hosts – Get a list of scanned hosts; services – View detected Greps the output of another console command, usage is similar the shell grep command grep [options] pattern other_cmd [other command’s args], similar to the shell’s grep [options] pattern file however it also includes -k to keep lines and -s to skip lines. 194 Thankfully Metasploit simplifies security reporting through its built-in reporting features. Jul 7, 2021 · Today we are going to learn about the session’s command of the Metasploit Framework. Wmap is a Metasploit plugin and will interact with the database, reading all gathered traffic from any client you have configured/adapted or duct taped to store web sites, requests, responses and forms in the Metasploit DB. 0 is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. 1 -sd workgroup -su root -sp root. #cmd_handler_help ⇒ Object Once you open the Metasploit console, you will get to see the following screen. As you can see, the Metasploit framework is stacked with options to help you advance as you learn more about Pentesting, the main take-away is: Practice, practice, practice! That way, you’ll find all these (and more) commands will become almost like muscle memory to you. The Metasploit Framework is one of the most useful testing tools available to security professionals. The following are a core set of Metasploit commands with reference to their output. Contribute to psycore8/metasploit-cheatsheet development by creating an account on GitHub. Now let’s talk about how to use a command stager to exploit the above script. Help and Documentation; Metasploit provides extensive help and documentation for Nov 7, 2022 · This is a beginner-friendly tutorial on getting started with the Metasploit framework and its commands. The […] Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. The favorites list is stored in the . If you type the help command on the console, it will show you a list of core commands in Metasploit along with their description. Help Command. In this tutorial, we are going to exploit our targets manually to automatically utilizing MSF. MSFconsole provides a command line interface to access and work with the Metasploit Framework. If you have an existing session, either Meterpreter, an SSH, or a basic command shell - you can open a new Meterpreter session with: sessions -u 3 To upgrade the most recently opened session to Meterpreter using the sessions command: A datastore option is a type of variable that can be set by the user, allowing various components of Metasploit to be more configurable during use. You can use db_status to see information about the currently connected data service. After launching the msfconsole, the console presents the MSF splash art and the command line prompt, waiting for our first command. it/msf) Installation process may take 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on your internet speed. Search for reverse tcp windows shell Display only reverse windows shell payloads using TCP. A module can be an exploit module, auxiliary module, or post-exploitation module. The Nov 19, 2024 · Metasploit Framework is one of the most powerful and leading penetration-testing tool written in Ruby, and also one of the biggest open-source projects in information security and penetration testing or ethical hacking. To get a list of reverse shells, use the msfpayload command. Metasploit allows you to install, remove, and review the installed programs and run apps (for instance, you can remove all programs installed by the smartphone manufacturer) with the following commands: app_list; app_install; app_uninstall; app_run; Output of the app_list command The Msf::Exploit::CmdStager Mixin. You The execute_bof command is capable of serializing arguments to be sent to the BOF for execution. pwd / getwd: Display current working directory Sep 14, 2023 · To view the workspace in Metasploit, we can simply enter the command workspace. It was started by H. Sessions command is usually just used to get into the session but it is far more useful than just that. List of Metasploit reverse shells. The following commands launch and quit Metasploit. new versions of msfconsole don’t support this command in the alternative if this command you can use apt-get update or apt-get upgrade. If the console successfully loads, you'll see the following prompt: Getting Help for MSFconsole Commands A collection of useful metasploit commands. Feb 5, 2024 · The Metasploit Framework (MSF) is far more than just a collection of exploits it is also a solid foundation that you can build upon and easily customize to meet your needs. 4 Selecting the Payload section of the old Metasploit Users Guide. Aug 28, 2018 · Continuing on from my original metasploit beginners tutorial, here is a slightly more advanced Metasploit tutorial on how to use metasploit to scan for vulnerabilities. Generate will be the primary focus of this section in learning how to use Metasploit. What Is Metasploit? Metasploit is a renowned open-source platform for exploit development, testing, and distribution. To view a list of hosts, you must have an active connection to the database. Launch Metasploit. 1. Now you will see msf6 > indicating you’re in the interactive mode. This guide is a general overview of how Metasploit can be used. Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. contains at least one entry when tab completion has reached this stage since the command itself has been completed Overview. You Metasploit’s post gather modules are useful after a Metasploit session has opened. Introduction Jun 16, 2023 · Welcome to the "MSFconsole Basic Commands" video on YouTube! In this tutorial, we will explore the essential commands and functionalities of the MSFconsole, The db_disconnect command will need to be used before switching to a new data service. Object; Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher::Creds; show all Understanding and using the database features of the Metasploit Framework. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the command to start Metasploit in the console?, What is the purpose of the core command "help"?, What is the purpose of the core command "tips"? and more. 2047 is default. net Nov 15, 2024 · Widely reputed as the most used penetration testing framework, Metasploit helps security teams identify and verify vulnerabilities, improve security awareness and manage gnarly security situations. To list all session IDs, you can use the "sessions" command. You should always use the Rex socket instead of the native Ruby one because if not, your sockets are not manageable by the framework itself, and of course some features will be missing such as pivoting. You will have to figure out which session ID to set manually. This tool replaces the former and msfencode tools. msfconsole This mixin provides an interface to generating egghunters for various platforms using the Rex::Exploitation::Egghunter class. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library. Run with ‘'-l payloads’ to get a list of payloads. You can import scan data from most vulnerability and scanning tools that are available as well as exported Metasploit project files. Alright, now let’s get to the list. It is an open-source platform msfconsole. The console lets you do things like scan targets, exploit vulnerabilities, and collect data. exe -i -H. HR. msf > set PAYLOAD [PayloadPath] Show Options for Current Modules. msf > show options. Here my own set (in alphabetical order) of main metasploit commands with a brief reference. As such, you really need to become familiar with it if you want to enter and prosper in this burgeoning cybersecurity MS17-010 and psexec are two of the most popular exploits against Microsoft Windows. It provides penetration testers and security professionals with the tools needed to simulate real-world attacks and identify weaknesses in a system Options are: payloads, encoders, nops, all -n, --nopsled <length> Prepend a nopsled of [length] size on to the payload -f, --format <format> Output format (use --help-formats for a list) --help-formats List available formats -e, --encoder <encoder> The encoder to use -a, --arch <arch> The architecture to use --platform <platform> The platform May 2, 2021 · Display only metasploit ios payloads for Apple devices. Set an option: msf > set [option] [value] Start the module: msf >exploit or run. Metasploit will respond with a list of workspaces with an asterisk (*) or star after the default Oct 28, 2022 · Among many commands, we are listing only a few here. By the conclusion, you’ll understand Metasploit’s functionality and how you can modify it. Go to the Start menu and choose All Programs > Metasploit > Framework > Metasploit Console. This module can be used to retrieve arbitrary files from anywhere in the web application, including the WEB-INF and META-INF directories and any other location that can be reached via ServletContext. The makerc command records all of the commands you've run in the console and saves them in a resource script for you. This module also inspects each command and reports potential avenues for privileged code execution due to poor file system permissions or permitting execution of executables known to be useful for privesc, such as utilities designed for file read/write, user modification, or Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. 0. shutdown / reboot: Self-explanatory. -C <opt> Run a Meterpreter Command on the session given with -i, or all-K Terminate all sessions-S <opt> Row search filter. tteym vrqy ukw iwrfvf fquh smnq zwi ighjdpjd zhu ldyvpb