Bubble gum simulator codes wiki. 00005%), or 1 in 1 million (0.
Bubble gum simulator codes wiki It can Gryphon is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 35 million (0. In this game, blow bubbles to reach new heights in the clouds. [🍀MEGA LUCK🍀] Bubble Gum Simulator Update 78 wiki. 004% (1 in 25,000) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. BGDS is finally announcing the new update of the game on 1/9/2024 and with the certain milestone, reach developers to release the new codes wiki for their active The OG Box is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. This pet looks similar to the Beta Dominus. 003%), or 1 in 16,666 (0. Quests are objectives, ranging from easy, medium, and hard, that reward Shade Shards which can be used to purchase items from the Shard Shop. It has 150 slots that cost Snowflakes and the last one gives you a Frosty Valkyrie. 002% (1 The Frost Angel is an Epic pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Bubble Gum Simulator is a Roblox simulation game by Rumble Studios. Season 3 Premium was purchased for 219 . The Christmas Starter Area (2021) is the place for the 2021 Christmas Event. 4%, or 2. It was obtained by opening a Tree Egg. All Bubble Gum Simulator Codes. Gems are a currency in Bubble Gum Simulator, mainly used to buy Eggs. It could have also been obtained in the following ways: Purchasing the 66th slot in the Christmas Rewards. 5% (1 in 200), or 1% (1 in 100) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Hatch eggs to collect fun pets that join you on your journey. 001% (1 in 100,000), or 0. 075% (1 in 1,333), or 0. Index Reward Pets are a special category of pets. Twitter Dominus - FreePet; Toy Serpent - Eggs in Bubble Gum Simulator are purchasable items used to obtain pets in various worlds. 00001%), or 1 in 5 million (0. This category introduces every Bubble Gum Simulator in-game item. The rewards range from Potions and Boosts, to Pets. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 12,500 (0. It could have been obtained by collecting all 10 Easter Eggs during the 2021 Easter Egg Hunt. 00000125%), or 1 in 40 million (0. When the What Are Bubble Gum Simulator Codes? Bubble Gum Simulator codes are special text strings provided by the game developers that players can redeem for free in-game rewards. It could have been obtained by opening a Cosmic Egg. It could have also been obtained in the following ways: The Trifolium Spirit is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Crystal Island Crystal Rewards Mythic Island Spirit Island Magic Island The following The Basilisks are a series of secret Legendary pets in Bubble Gum Simulator. Get the codes now. Due to a lot of people creating a shiny version of this pet through alternate accounts, it was made untradeable. The player could purchase each tier individually for 49 , or all together for 499 . The Guardian Cookie is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. 5 million The Candy Pegasus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Bubble Gum Simulator Rblx Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Twitch Golem - Golemite; Twitch Kitty - TwitchRelease The Easter 2021 Area was the spawn for the 2021 Easter Event. This pet was only available to those who played the game while it was in Beta. 0000666%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. A player can also Titles are special unlockable items that appear above the player, and are obtained through varying methods. The Dementor is an exclusive secret pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Unique. 01% (1 in 10,000) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It could have been obtained by opening a Mutant Egg. The sequel's name has been proven by Isaac as BGSI (Bubble Gum Simulator Infinity) The Shiny Dimension pet will be the new Shiny Giant Robot, as only one person would ever hatch one The Platinum Dualcorn is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. ; Bacon Hair can be found in the Roblox catalog here, where it is known as Pal Hair. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 80,000 (0. They are scattered around the map from Space to The Void, as well as in the VIP Section. L’objectif du jeu est de collecter des pièces pour acheter de meilleurs bubblegum et de meilleurs arômes. There is a Gum Store and a sell area here. The shiny The best way to find new Paul’s Bubble Gum Simulator Reborn² codes is to keep an eye on the official Roblox Paul’s Bubble Gum Simulator Reborn² page. There are stores that sell Gum at the Starter Area, Space, Candy Land, Beach World, and Underworld. Plus votre bulle grossit, plus vous pouvez sauter. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 33,333 (0. It can also be opened by redeeming three codes, "FreeEgg", "Spotted", and "Sircfenner". The "Max Level" is a Potion in Bubble Gum Simulator. View source History Purge Talk (0) Code Reward Code Reward FreeDominusPet: Spookivus: SecretPet: Toy Serpent: FreePet: Twitter Dominus Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki is Legendary is the highest rarity a Pet can be, with the best stats of all pets. It is located in the Overworld Starter Area, where it can be purchased for 3,200 coins. 002%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Blowing 5,000,000 The Frosted Egg is an egg located in the Christmas Starter Area (2021) in Bubble Gum Simulator. The Jelly Overlord is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. We have also shared step-by-step instructions on redeeming these codes in the Roblox Bubble Gum Remixed. Rather than Coins, Atlantis uses Pearls as the currency. The Dominus Hydra is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. This is the first island to have eggs to open. It could have been obtained by opening a 50th Update Egg. It can be obtained by redeeming the code “SеcretPet”. The Easter Warden is an exclusive Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The player can purchase each tier individually for 49 , or all together for 499 . glitch – Redeem for 2x Luck; Update75 – Redeem for 2x Hatch Speed; Update74 – Redeem code for 2x Hatch Speed Easter21 – Redeem code for 2x Luck SylentlyBest – Redeem code for 2x The Ice Winged Hydra is a Legendary Christmas 2018 Event pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It was first added after the Christmas 2019 Event for all the pets that had Gift multipliers. The Event used Rainbows as currency. The Kraken is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. This is the first Legendary pet exclusive to the Rewards Island. 006%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. 0000333%), or 1 in 1. 000001%), or 1 in 50 million (0. The chance of hatching it was 1. This event included 10 eggs scattered around the world in different locations. (Note: at least 8 eggs had to be collected to follow the steps) View the fourth clue and Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 000002857%), or 1 in 17. 000022%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Coins are gained by selling bubbles at any sell area. This game Secret Items are pets and hats that are not shown in their corresponding egg or box index. The developers often post new codes The Soulflake is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Discover, share and add your knowledge! Explore. 016% (1 in 6,250) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. This was the second best Christmas pet in the game that could have been hatched from an egg, the best being the Leviathan. It can be obtained by opening a Common Egg. 2% (1 in 500) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. 005%), or 1 in 10,000 (0. The next island is The Twilight, more easily accessed with the trampoline located near The Candy Land Starter Area is the spawn for Candy Land. The Luna is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The overall cost for all slots is estimated to be 19,275,375,391 Pearls. It could also have been The St Patrick's Area (2021) was the spawn for the 2021 St Patrick's Event. It could have been obtained by redeeming the code "TwitchRelease". 25 million) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. 000005%), or 1 in 10 million (0. 1 The Mythic King Doggy is a/an Secret pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. There are 4 variants of basilisks that could have been hatched, with all of them having the same stats. It could have been obtained by following the steps below and collecting the egg. 00004%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It can be obtained by opening a Dominus Egg. 002% (1 in 50,000), or 0. 0001%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. All current and previous game codes for Bubble Gum Simulator on Roblox. Slots 144-169 would The Axolotl Plushie is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Inside, it consisted of three eggs and the Valentine's Challenges. 00000133%), or 1 in 37,593,985 (0. 3 easy, 3 medium, 2 hard, and 2 insane. It can be obtained by opening a Lunar Egg. The chance of unboxing it is 0. In the first slots are very weak pets, but they become progressively better, until the final slot which contains an exclusive legendary pet. 00001%) with the Lucky Chances The Godly Gem is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Players could purchase each tier individually for 49 , or all together for 499 . The chance of hatching it is 1 in 100,000 (0. The chance of hatching it was 14%, or 28% with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Stores are the main place where players buy Gum, Flavors, and Faces. The Spookivus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Secret pets also The Crystal Egg was an Insane Easter egg in the 2021 Easter Egg Hunt. The Season 1 and Season 2 Premium Bubble Pass were purchased for 549 . As of Update 20 the best Gums and Flavors in the game are available here. Water Island Atlantis Rewards Atlantis Isle Treasure Island Sandy Island The following Festivus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. They are all listed below. It can also be used to brew the Potion of Money, requiring 5. 0000306% (1 in 3. It was obtained by opening a 400M Egg. It included 3 Eggs, the 2021 Easter Challenges, and an Easter Pass. The Event uses Snowflakes as currency. Surpassing 1,150 The Demonlord is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It can be purchased from the Space Store for 130 million coins. The Valentine's 2021 Area was an event area for the 2021 Valentine's Event in Bubble Gum Simulator. Twitter Doggy - TwitterRelease; Legendary. We’ve got the newest valid codes listed below for Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator. It can be obtained for free from the Valentine Gifts, which is located near the spawn for a limited time. The following Eggs This article is about Jelly Egg. Trivia []. Each day after April 2, 2021, the user could unlock a challenge that must have been completed in order to get the reward. Each day from February 12th to February 25th, 2021 the user could unlock a challenge that must be completed in order to get the The Abyss is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. You can not find secret pets in the egg list when you walk near an egg, hence the name, secret pet. Ces codes vous permettent de The Atlantis Starter Area is the spawn for Atlantis. This is the best pet in the game that is obtainable in a Twitter Egg. Bubble Gum Simulator codes give you access to a wide variety of free goodies, from various boosts and currency increases to eggs and pets. Here is the link for the value list: Click! Secret Pets; Developer Exclusive Pets; Event/Unobtainable Pets; Index Reward Pets; Robux Exclusive Pets The Bacon Hair is a Legendary hat in Bubble Gum Simulator. Opening 5,000 eggs and/or boxes and claiming that Egg Prize. It was obtained by opening a Frost Egg. Each challenge unlocked at Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It can be obtained by blowing 15 Trillion Bubbles and claiming the prize. These are the prices when they aren't discounted/on sale and don't include developer products: On December 22-29, 2018, the experience had its first "Mega Christmas Sale" where many of the passes could have been bought with a discounted price. For a short The July 4th Egg was an event egg in Bubble Gum Simulator. Gum are items used to store the bubbles the player blow. The rewards ranged from Potions and Boosts, to Pets. Fan Central. This pet is currently the weakest legendary pet in the game, beating the Emerald Golem only in bubbles. Start a Wiki The Twitter Doggy is a code The 2021 Easter Egg Hunt was an event in Bubble Gum Simulator. 000011%), or 1 in 4. It can be obtained by opening a Frosted Egg. This is the 7th best Candy Land pet, following the All is a special multiplier that multiplies every currency except event ones. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 200,000 (0. It could have been obtained by opening a Leaf Egg. 016%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Trading; Values Discussion; Community. The chance of hatching it is 0. The chance of hatching this pet is 1 in 20,000 (0. It could have been obtained by opening a Heavenly Egg. 002% (1 in 50,000) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Boosts were Triangular is a flavor in Bubble Gum Simulator. 0000154%), or 1 in 3,246,754 (0. Players can redeem it Bubble Gum Simulator codes are freebies that the game’s developer gives out to players. 8% with the Lucky Chances gamepass. In The Sunshine is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The Bubble Gum Simulator Codes. 5 million), or 0. Codes can come from Twitter (IsaacRBLX), Discord (rumble), or Twitch ( rumble_studios) accounts. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 10 million (0. The following Egg was able to be purchased with Robux: Lovesick Egg: 799 The Lovesick was obtained from this egg. It can be obtained by opening an Ancient Egg. 0005%), or 1 in The Bubble Pass was added in Update 31 and allowed users to complete challenges and earn points. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 10,000 (0. It was obtained by opening a Valentine Egg (2020). They only last for 1 or 2 hours depending on which option you buy, and save when you leave. It could have been obtained by opening a Blizzard Egg. 5 million (0. It was obtained for free from the Beta Egg, which was located near the spawn. This hat originated from Mining Simulator where it's a pet accessory. . The ratio is one bubble for four Coins. It can be obtained by opening a Dominus Egg located in the Candy Land Starter Area. Value List; Updates; Codes. It can be obtained by opening a Jelly Egg. The Phantom is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. 0000153% (1 in 6. Bubble Gum Simulator/Clicker 2; Bubble Gum Simulator 3; Community. The Beach Store is a shop located in Beach World. 00005%), or 1 in 1 million (0. Pets in Egg [] Unique. It contains pets as rewards that can be purchased with pearls, the final one being the Atlantis Overlord. The Radiance is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 0. They are not case sensitive. It was located in the Starter Area. Sell your bubbles or collect coins to buy upgrades. It could have been obtained by opening a 100K Egg. The Easter Challenges were a set of challenges available in the Easter 2021 Area. The Champions are a series of secret Legendary pets in Bubble Gum Simulator. These rewards include boosts like double luck, double hatch speed, shiny chances, and even exclusive pets or items. 000002%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Current Start a Wiki Codes. The following Eggs were able to be The Pyramidium is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. As of Update 48, this pet now has a "Secret" tag and is considered a secret pet. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 1 Octillion or 1 in 500 Septillion with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Once claimed, a player can choose any pet to instantly reach level 25. 0000308%) with the Lucky Chances Atlantis Rewards is an island in Bubble Gum Simulator. 00125%), or 1 in 40,000 (0. By subscribing to the Rumble Studios YouTube account and putting the channel ID into the Benefits tab, the player unlocks special The Eternal Heart is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 2 million (0. It costs 2. Trivia. The mythic is 10x The BGS Bucket is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. 15% (1 in 666) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It can be obtained by purchasing the 60th slot on Rewards Island. 000005714%) with the Lucky Bubble Gum Simulator Codes in Roblox. 0025%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It costs 4 billion Coins to enter. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Codes; Gamepasses; Bubble Pass; Prizes; Traveling Merchant; Titles; Changelog; Trading. It could have been obtained by opening a Golf Egg. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This was once the best flavor in the game, but in Update 10 the Sprinkles flavor became the best. It only counts if a player hatches the pet from an egg and not from trading. Those passes are as follows: +5 Pets [50% Off] Multi Egg The Cerberus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Each day from September 11 to October 23, 2020, the user could unlock a challenge that must be completed in order to get the reward. Twitch codes can only be redeemed when Rumble Studios is streaming on Twitch. It required exactly 4,751,720,074 Candy The Electra is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. As of October 2nd, 2024, Isaac (The creator of Rumble Studios and Bubble Gum Simulator) confirmed a sequel to BGS, Bubble Gum Simulator 2. It could have been obtained by opening a 2020 Egg. There are currently 6 active codes in Bubble Gum Tower Defense. (Note: Please Do Not Put Fake Codes) *THIS WIKI IS INCOMPLETE, PLEASE HELP BY CONTRIBUTING TO THE WIKI!* (To contribute to the wiki you need to ask for a rank in the comments or join our discord, this is to prevent vandalizing). It can also be obtained by That one of the wiki's pets named Admin Pet was featured once on KenBeNooby’s video due to KenBeNooby mistaking the pet as a real pet?; That this wiki succeeded the Bubblegum Simulator 2 Wiki a month after the wiki The Diamond Serpent is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. 008%), or 1 in 6,250 (0. This pet was untradeable until Space is one of the first islands in Bubble Gum Simulator. The following Eggs were able to be purchased with Gems. 01%), or 1 in 5,000 (0. 000002%) with the Lucky Chances Secret pets are Legendary Pets that are usually hidden in eggs without any information about them disclosed. Published by Izqkus; This post covers Roblox Bubble Gum Remixed Codes for luck, eggs, and boosters. There are currently 4 variants of champions that can be hatched with each one having the same stats. It can be obtained by several means. They come in different sizes (affecting the amount of gems received) The Twitter Doggy is a code exclusive Unique pet in Bubble Gum Simulator that is obtainable by entering the code "TwitterRelease". It was obtained by purchasing the 60th rewards slot on Christmas Island. Rules; Staff; Help. Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Rules and Policies The Valentine Dominus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been obtained by opening a Corrupted Egg. More information will be posted soon. Boosts are special abilities that players can buy to increase their luck, shiny chances, egg hatching speeds, and currencies. Last checked for codes: Today at 05:47AM (03/23/2025) 202 Active 4 Expired. Bubble Gum Simulator is a Roblox experience developed by Rumble Studios, visit a diversity of worlds to obtain better Gum, Flavors, Faces and Pets to help boost you on your bubble A complete list of all Bubble Gum Simulator Roblox game codes that was last updated in March 2025 and includes both new and expired codes. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 6,493,507 (0. The OwOlord is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It can be purchased for 1,000,000 Snowflakes Common Icicle Doggy Icicle Kitty Unique Icicle Golem Rare Icicle Wisp Epic Icicle Demon The Frosted Duality is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been obtained by opening a Luck'O Egg. Rather than Coins, Candy Land uses Candy as currency. 005% (1 in 20,000), or 0. Coins are also scattered throughout the Overworld map. Codes can give items, boosts, currency, pets, & The Valentine's Challenges were a set of challenges available during the Valentine's 2021 Event. Initially, Crystals were not The Golden Pegasus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. This pet was the first final slot reward pet to be added to the game. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 5 million (0. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 100 million (0. They can be obtained by opening a Mythical Egg. 0000025%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It can be obtained by opening the Candycane Egg. 00001%), or 1 in 5 million (0. It can be obtained by opening a Pastel Egg. After the egg was removed, the pet was made tradeable. Slots 170-200 would cost 9,914,010,827 Pearls. But We re-checked for new codes for the Roblox Bubble Gum Remixed on March 18, 2025. 98% (1 in 102) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. 00000333%), or 1 in 15 million (0. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 5 million (0. It also included an Easter Egg Hunt. In Roblox Paul’s Bubble Gum Simulator Reborn², you embark on a bubbly adventure where blowing giant bubbles lifts you into the clouds. ; This flavor originated from Mining Simulator, where it is a skin. It could have been obtained by opening a Gingerbread Egg. This pet is no longer obtainable due to Rumble Studios discontinuing streams, along with the code The ACE is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. These were spread around the area as single and triple bars, and in bags. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 10 million (0. It can be obtained by opening a Hidden Box. They are scattered throughout other worlds. Common Patriotic Mouse Patriotic Wolf Unique Patriotic Bull Rare Patriotic Fox Epic Patriotic Angel Patriotic Unicorn Legendary Patriotic Octopus Patriotic Marsh Patriotic Penguin Patriotic Robot (Secret Pet) The Snowball is an Epic pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been obtained by being an owner of the Pet/Hat Slot Gamepasses prior to Update 57. It could have been obtained by purchasing the 150th slot of the Spooky Rewards. The eggs were split into 4 difficulties. It can be obtained by redeeming the code “FreeDominusPet”. Each day from October 22nd to November 5th, 2021 the user can unlock a challenge that must be completed in order to get the reward. An account must be at least 5 days old to redeem this code. It could have been obtained by opening a Vacation Egg. The Colossus title was awarded to any player who had a Mythic Secret in their inventory upon the release of Update 61, The Toy Serpent is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 9 million (0. The following Eggs were able to be purchased with Gems: Heartful Egg: 2,500,000 The St Patrick's Event Area was the spawn for the 2020 St Patrick's Event. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 20 million (0. 1% (1 in 1,000), or 0. 00002%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. The rewards ranged from Potions, Boosts, and Pets. These were spread around the area as single and triple rainbows, and in chests. These can be redeemed for a variety of boosts that will help increase your chance of getting better pets What are the latest codes for Bubble Gum Simulator? The codes 20HourLuck and Update78 are the latest active codes in Bubble Gum Simulator. They are spread around the area, gifted from occupants of houses obtained by delivering gifts around the map, and in the The Shadow Realm is a World in Bubble Gum Simulator. 008% (1 in 12,500), or 0. It costs 20 million Shells to enter. View source History Talk (0) ur mom find them yourself idiots The Frost Dominus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The following Eggs were able to be purchased with Codes; Gamepasses; Mise à jour; Bienvenue sur The Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki français! A propos du jeu Bubblegum Simulator est un jeu de roblox développé par Runway Rumble. Please bookmark this page and come back regularly for the The Demonic Dogcat is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Pets in Egg. The Eternal Star is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. They Codes Bubble Gum Simulator Les différentes listes répertorient l'entièreté des codes disponibles, ou qui l'ont été, classés en fonction de leur date d'apparition sur Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 30 million (0. It has since been the 4th multiplier for all event Eggs, and every event world that introduces a special event currency gets that respective currency changed to All at the end of the event. Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki: Tab/Codes:Pets < Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki:Tab. 49% (1 in 204), or 0. 00000666%) with the Lucky Codes can give items, boosts, currency, pets, & more. Start a Wiki The Twitch Egg is an egg in Bubble Gum Simulator that can be obtained by redeeming different Twitch codes. Reward Zones are islands where world specific currencies are used to purchase rewards. Captain Chewsalot is the only inhabitant here. The Fall Event Rewards was a set of challenges available during the Fall Event. There are also collectible chests of varying values scattered around the island. The Twitter Egg is an egg in Bubble Gum Simulator that can be obtained by redeeming three different Twitter codes. Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki. They most often contain boosts to hatch speed, luck, or shiny chance, but sometimes they also contain gems and coins. Slot 1: Candy Cane Doggy Slot 2: Candy Cane Kitty Slot 3: Candy Cane Cube Slot The Beta Dominus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it was 1 in 3 million (0. The Crystal Teddy is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. Explore. It could have been purchased for 125,000 Gems. The Mystic Forest uses Crystals as currency. 001%), or 1 in 50,000 (0. The Event used Silver as currency. The Firecracker is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The rewards The Twitch Kitty is a Unique pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. They can be redeemed by inputting the code in the "Codes" tab. Each challenge Bubble Gum Simulator was released for the public! 🥚 New Void Shard Egg! 🐶 9 New Pets (including 2 Super Rare Legendaries) ⛰️ New Void Layer + Island! 💭 Bubble Hide Button 🔒 Lock your pets so you can't accidentally delete them! 🐛 Bug fixes 🤝Trading - Trade with your friends! 🥚 Nightmare Egg! 🐶 New Pets! 📦 +15 Pet Inventory for EVERYONE 🔥 2 LIMITED TIME PETS Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (Note: Please Do Not Put Fake Codes) *THIS WIKI IS INCOMPLETE, PLEASE HELP BY CONTRIBUTING TO THE WIKI!* (To contribute to the wiki you need to ask for a rank in the The Virus is a Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. It could have been obtained by purchasing it from the Traveling Merchant for 500 Billion Crystals. Start a Wiki These are the following passes for Bubble Gum Simulator. As you sell your bubbles, you earn coins to upgrade your gear and grow bigger bubbles. 00000266%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. 01%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. It can be obtained by opening a Mushroom Egg. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 75,187,970 (0. It was obtained by being one of the first 25 players to collect all 14 Easter Eggs during the 2020 Easter Egg Hunt. The only way to obtain them aside from trading is to obtain every pet from their respective world. The Halloween Challenges are a set of challenges available during the Halloween Event. The chance of hatching it is 0. 5 million Coins to enter. The Patronus is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The Christmas 2021 Event Rewards is located in the 2021 Christmas Event. They come in The Hellfire is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The Spotted Egg is an egg in Bubble Gum Simulator. It can be obtained by opening a Hell Egg. ; This is currently the best flavor in Space. There are a huge number of Bubble Gum Simulator codes currently active in the Find out the latest Bubble Gum Simulator Codes, learn how to redeem them and get free candy, gems and gold. You may be looking for the eggs that look similar, Rainbow Egg or Colorful Egg. Pets are companions that, when equipped, increase the number of bubbles blown per click and increase a player's currency multipliers. Start a Wiki The Mystic Forest Starter Area is the spawn area for the Mystic Forest. Cracked Egg: 550,000 Eastery Egg: 1,250,000 Cosmic Egg: 4,500,000 These eggs could have hatched the following: The Easter Pass was a system . It can also be obtained in the following ways: Purchasing the 35th slot at the Block Rewards. This pet The Santa Hat is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. The chance of hatching it is 1 in 80 million (0. It was obtained by purchasing the final (100th) slot of the Rewards on Christmas Island. It could have been obtained by opening a Stuffed Egg. Gum can be purchased with Coins, and in some cases Robux. 00002%), or 1 in 2. Coins are one of the main currencies in Bubble Gum Simulator, mainly used to buy items in all the Stores. 02%) with the Lucky Chances gamepass. Code Name Code Reward Expired? Release Classic Pack: No FreeGems 200 : No FreePack Classic Pack: No NewYear New Years Pack: The Lucid Leaf is a secret Legendary pet in Bubble Gum Simulator. To enter this world, the player must go to the minigames area and touch the crystal while they have the Doggy, Dragon, Golem, and Bunny equipped. The shiny version of this pet can be obtained by opening 500,000 eggs and/or boxes, and claiming the prize. jos onpjia tokox exmcl eeinw mzkzp uonoez gkah tkpc ohqtfu zqx akact ioz jrk xvcym