Msc patran nastran 资源浏览阅读15次。"msc patran从入门到精通" 在深入探讨msc patran之前,首先了解msc software公司是全球领先的仿真解决方案提供商,其产品广泛应用于各个工程领域。msc patran是一款强大的有限元前处理软件,它允许用户进行复杂的几何建模、网格划分、材料属性设定、载荷施加以及后处理工作。该软件以其用户友好的界面和高度的定制化能力而闻名。 在 The MSC Nastran 2018. Leave A Reply. S2M Center. Patranは、世界で最も広く使われている有限要素解析(FEA)向けのプリプロセッサ/ポストプロセッサソフトウェアです。ソリッドモデリング、メッシング、解析設定、ポスト処理の機能 MSC Nastranは、線形 / 非線形領域における静解析・動解析・熱伝導解析に使用され、高度な構造解析の問題解決のための信頼性の高いアプリケーションとして広く採用されています。 その活用範囲は多岐にわたり、航空宇宙、自動車、造船、機械、 MSC offers a free student version of MSC Nastran | Patran. While still editing prob6. MSC Nastran contains a large library of structural elements. 1 - Quick Reference Guide (PDF) • MSC-Nastran (Macneal Swendler Corp. PC-DMIS. The notes and questions for MSC MSC/NASTRAN 102 Exercise Workbook 6-1 Objectives: Define a frequency-varying excitation. NAS113 - Composites of Composite Materials. Radbend. Due to the several types of dynamic Patran. RADAN Quoting. O MSC Learning Center, uma serviço por assinatura que dá direito ao usuário a todo o catálogo de cursos de treinamento do MSC Nastran. Fields in Patran are used whenever you need to define variable (non-constant) data. Again, if you lump these loads equally to the grid points, MSC Patran提供完整的机械模拟功能,以降低价格,提高生产率并缩短交货时间。它还允许完全访问高端CAD系统的几何图形来构建组件模型。通过直接访问,几何形状保持完整的CAD格式,并导入到MSC Patran数据库中,无需任何更改或更改。 MSC Nastran 弃用了 i4 格式,这使得 Patran 2023. f06`文件)。 2. Documentation Feedback At MSC Software, we strive to produce the highes t quality documentation and welcome your feedback. NASTRAN通常使用其内置的Patran软件进行3D模型的可视化。通过可视化,工程师能够以图形化的方式查看模型的应力分布、位移云图、温度场等。 以下是使用Patran进行结果可视化的基本步骤: 1. The structural dynamics model was correlated to a ground vibration test, both of which had to accommodate the apparent mass of the air, which is atypical. PATRAN、MSC. MSC Nastran data structure, the element library, modeling practices, model validation, and guidelines for efficient solutions are discussed and MSC Nastran is a general purpose finite element program which solves a wide variety of engineering problems. stellt auf ihrer Homepage unter dem Namen "Application Examples" eine Fülle von Seaminarunterlagen, Workbooks und Tutorials sowie die dazugehörigen Dateien mit Übungsbeispielen zur Verfügung. QUINDOS. For this capability you are referred to More information about modeling guidelines can be found in Chapter 9 of the MSC Nastran 2012 Linear Static Analysis User's Guide. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, write to us at: documentation- feedback@mscsoftware. Patran的操作介面與檔案 5. Patran allows users to create and modify the geometry of the solid, define the material properties, and apply the 文章浏览阅读526次,点赞4次,收藏7次。探索结构分析的利器:Patran与Nastran的完美结合 【下载地址】PatranNastran的安装与关联指南分享 Patran/Nastran的安装与关联指南本资源文件提供了详细的Patran和Nastran软件的安装与关联步骤,帮助用户顺利完成软件的安装和配置 _patran和nastran有限元分析 配套光盘 MSC Nastran ist ein zusammen mit der NASA entwickeltes Finite-Elemente (FE)-Programm, das zum Standard auf dem Gebiet der linearen Statik und Dynamik in der gesamten Fertigungsindustrie geworden ist. Tutorials 6-30 are referenced from page 305 of this document Patran 2012. Each video has the respective step 課程名稱 內容大綱 4月9日 (1 天) MSC Nastran&Patran 基礎課程 1. ACMS is native to MSC Nastran and does not require add-on software licenses for use from 3 rd party providers. 加载MSC. RADAN. グループ管理者向け is created in Patran to represent the plate’s 3D geomet ry and an MSC Nastran linear static analysis of the plate under static pressure loading is carried out. Content. Patran documentation by release: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling analysis of structures using MSC Nastran and Patran Getting Started with MSC Nastran and Patran 2012 Student Edition Email us FAQ Liens appréciés Demande commerciale Rechercher tous les produits Support et succès Témoignages de clients Carrières Présence mondiale MSC Adams MSC Nastran MSC Patran MSC Marc MSC Marc Mentat LS-DYNA ANSYS Apptainer Paraview Jupyter Lab Anaconda3 10. Das Material is zum einen nach Kursen, aber auch nach You will learn the basics for using MSC Nastran and Patran as a pre- and post-processor. Analysis results are compared to theoretical results. Price Euro: 800,- per day incl. Produce a MSC/NASTRAN input file from a dynamic math model created in Workshop 1. A load P is to be applied evenly as an outward pressure load (P/A) to a surface of each of the four solid elements shown in Figure 9-28. This includes large deformation, advanced nonlinear material, contact, and analysis chaining. Normal Modes Analysis of a Simply-Supported Stiffened Plate: Convert a Linear Static analysis input file to a Normal Modes Each MSC Nastran version comes with the better-performing ACMS and there is no need to worry about version compatibility with MSC Nastran, unlike other fast eigenvalue solvers. NASTRAN结合使用,提供了全面的解决方案,涵盖了从几何建模到分析结果后处理的全过程。PATRAN支持开放式几何访问和模型构造,能够集成多种分析类型,包括静力、屈曲、动力学、非线性、热传导以及 MSC Nastran 2022. SFx Asset Management. Here is a list. Die MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. Software\MD_Patran\R2\html_patran\wwhelp. NASTRAN结合使用,提供了一整套完整的结构分析解决方案。该软件允许工程师进行复杂的几何建模、有限元网格划分、边界条件 interface like Patran or SimXpert. 有限元素分析基本原理 2. This article contains a list of examples for illustrating the use of MSC Nastran & Patran. nastran - 大型通用有限元求解器的详细讲解" MSC/NASTRAN是一款由美国Macneal-Schwendler Corporation(现为MSC Software公司)开发的大型通用有限元分析软件,最初由美国宇航局(NASA)赞助研发。自1970年代起,这款软件逐渐发展为商业版本,被全球众多工业部门广泛采用,尤其在结构分析领域具有重要地位。随 MSC Patran-Nastran 2021入门基础经验分享-(关联), 视频播放量 1605、弹幕量 0、点赞数 20、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 21、转发人数 15, 视频作者 玛尔斯科, 作者简介 vx:玛尔斯科,海克斯康(MSC) Question: What are some of the optimization capabilities in MSC Nastran? Answer: Just to name a few: Size; Shape; Topometry; Topology; Multi Model Optimization; Brief descriptions of each 文章浏览阅读48次。 # 摘要 本文系统地介绍了Patran和Nastran两款在工程仿真领域广泛应用的软件工具,并对它们之间的协同工作原理和流程整合进行了深入探讨。文章详细阐述了协同工作中的数据交换格式标准、数据流、网格划分、质量控制、边界条件设置等关键技术和方法 Modal Analysis of a Flat Plate: Produce a MSC/NASTRAN input file and submit for analysis to find the first five natural frequencies and mode shapes. NAS120: Linear Static and Normal Nodes Analysis Using MSC/NASTRAN and MSC/PATRAN. To See How To: Go 1. Patran建立了电磁继电器的有限元模型,随后采用MSC. Romax Enduro. We encourage you to attend this webinar to learn more about these and other enhancements and how they can help you with your simulations. MSC/PATRAN users should skip to step 16. you learn preparing models and investigations in the areas of linear statics, natural frequencies and linear buckling analysis to perform. Patran功能簡介 4. Utilizzare una Nastran论坛,MSC Nastran软件的问答讨论,以及视频教程、实例教学等学习资料分享。 摘 要:本文首先采用有限元分析软件MSC. MSC Nastran and Patran provide a comprehensive platform for performing linear static analysis of a composite plate design. 1 极高的 Patran与MSC Nastran集成概述 在现代工程仿真领域,集成各种强大的专业软件工具是提高设计质量和缩短开发周期的关键。本章将为读者提供关于Patran与MSC Nastran集成的概况,阐明它们如何相辅相成,以及这种集成在工程 教程提到了Patran与MSC. RoboDyn. 6 %âãÏÓ 6485 0 obj > endobj xref 6485 192 0000000016 00000 n 0000009909 00000 n 0000010115 00000 n 0000010144 00000 n 0000010194 00000 n 0000010232 00000 n 0000010370 00000 n 0000010567 00000 n 0000010619 00000 n 0000010723 00000 n 0000011091 00000 n 0000011445 00000 n 0000011966 00000 n 0000012218 00000 n MSC Nastran is a multidisciplinary structural analysis solver that performs static, dynamic, and thermal analysis across the linear and nonlinear domains, complemented with automated structural optimisation and award-winning 它与MSC. Chapter3: MSC MSC Nastran 2021. PATRAN是一款强大的有限元前处理软件,常与MSC. 01 Virtual testing and 0 前言 MSC Patran/Nastran是世界上使用最广泛的有限元分析前/后处理软件,可以为ANSYS、Nastran、Abaqus、LS-DYNA等多个解算器提供 MSC Nastran 2024最新版是一款功能强大、专业实用的多学科结构分析求解器工具软件,这款软件采用了非常人性化的操作界面、傻瓜式的操作步骤,相关用户在这里可以进行一系列静态、动态和热分析操作,这样一来就能够很好的确保了结 MSC Patran-Nastran 2024入门基础教程分享—疲劳仿真中各疲劳参数的理论依据及相应拟合公式介绍, 视频播放量 549、弹幕量 0、点赞数 3、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 21、转发人数 4, 视频作者 玛尔斯科, 作者 本套《MSC Patran+Nastran 有限元分析教程》百度网盘下载链接与解压密码如下: 游客,如果您想查看本隐藏内容请先 回复 Patran, Nastran, 视频, 教程, 有限元分析 免责声明 ① 本站内容(含软件)来自网络或网友分享,不代表本 本文系统地介绍了Patran与MSC Nastran集成的各个方面,阐述了仿真理论基础及集成带来的优势,强调了集成环境在提升仿真效率、模型准备和结果分析等方面的应用价值。文章还探讨了仿真流程的优化实践,包括模型 MSC ApexまたはPatranを用いて MSC Nastran のデータを作成しNastran解析を実行、結果をMSC ApexまたはPatranで確認します。 MSC Apexは初めての方でも簡単に操作ができるツールとなっております。開催月により使用するツールを Patran è stato concepito per supportare sia MSC Nastran che MD Nastran, per consentire l'uso di modelli ad elementi finiti comuni e per eseguire analisi ingegneristiche avanzate e migliorare i progetti utilizzando le funzionalità di Patran prend en charge MSC Nastran et MD Nastran pour l’utilisation de modèles à éléments finis et communs, pour la réalisation d’analyses d’ingénierie avancées et pour l’amélioration des conceptions à l’aide des fonctionnalités interface like Patran or SimXpert. Q-DAS qs-STAT. htm • Dans un premier temps, le Linear Static User Guide est une mine d'informations: Type d'éléments, de matériaux, Guides de 1. 为了更好的把两款软件想关联,建议大家先安装MSC Nastran2020,本文也按这种思路详述。首先找到MSC Patran2020解压目录下的MSC MSC Patran-Nastran 2021入门基础经验分享-(关联), 视频播放量 1605、弹幕量 0、点赞数 20、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 21、转发人数 15, 视频作者 玛尔斯科, 作者简介 vx:玛尔斯科,海克斯康(MSC) 此外, MSC. MSC Nastran 业界领先的多学科 FEA 解决方案 在解算现实世界系统中的应力/应变行为、动态与振动响应以及非线性行为时,MSC Support for MSC Nastran’s new HDF5 result format; Support for pre and post processing of MSC Nastran Embedded Vibration Fatigue . Duration 4 days. Additionally, find the first five natural modes . Registration. 15. 首先下载MSC Patran2020和MSC Nastran2020,解压,不必详述,解压后界面如下图: 2. It is developed, marketed, and supported by the Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries. Nastran软件完成了电磁继电器的模态分析。最后,针对影响电磁继电器抗振性能的关键因素进行优化设计,通过摸底试验验证优化方案的正确性及分析的合理性。 MSC Nastran has been a primary tool for performing dynamic analysis since originating in 1972. It describes the various options available within MSC Nastran for solving matrix NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling analysis of structures using MSC Nastran and Patran. Working Model等为代表的PC中低端产品线的不断扩大, 将进一步满足日益增长的PC 微机 用户需求。优势 播报 编辑 3. At this course you will learn how to use MSC. When performing a modal transient or modal frequency response analysis, the truncation of the normal modes can influence the dynamic results. Location Olof Palmes Allé 40 8200 Aarhus N Denmark. (PDF) / MSC Nastran 2024. NASTRAN steht dabei als Kursmaterial zu MSC/NASTRAN und MSC/Patran. Your email address will not be published. 为了更好的把两款软件想关联,建议大家先安装MSC Nastran2020,本文也按这种思路详述。首先 Implementing HDF5 in MSC Nastran has been an ongoing project that began with the 2016 release. Romax Spin. Romax Energy. The criteria for the selection of an MSC Patran 2020是世界著名的科技公司msc开发的一款有限元分析(FEA)预处理软件,为MSC系列软件提供多种求解器,以便于这些软件完成实体建模后,进行网格划分、分析设置和后处理,系列软件包括MCS Nastran、Marc、ANSYS等,Patran使工程师能够直接从工程师的CAD程序中导入几何图形选择,然后定义载荷、边界条件和材料特性,执行不同的操作不同条件下的模拟, Partran 、Nastran是MSC公司的产品。Patran是前处理器,用于建模、划分网格、设定载荷和边界条件等等;Nastran只是MSC公司提供的求解器之一,主要用于结构分析和热分析,应用的是静态有限元法。如果需要动态有限元分析,则需要使用Dytran求解器,它也是MSC公司的产品。换句话说 Ans. For MSC/NASTRAN users only. The MSC Nastran HPC Guide is intended to provide the MSC Nastran user with the knowledge to obtain MSC Nastran est une application d’analyse structurelle multidisciplinaire utilisée par les ingénieurs pour effectuer des analyses statiques, dynamiques et thermiques dans les domaines linéaires et non linéaires, complétées par une NAS 101: Linear Static and Normal Modes Analysis. The examples have been classified into two categories: Lower Experience Level--> A systematic The gold standard in Finite Element Analysis for over 50 years, MSC Nastran is a powerful, tried-and-tested, industrial-grade structural analysis solver. lunch. MSC Nastran was utilized to develop nonlinear stress, structural dynamic and aeroelastic finite element models. Some examples include: MSC. NAS400 - Implicit Nonlinear Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran In this course, you will be exposed to various aspects of implicit nonlinear analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran. MSC Nastran data structure, the element library, modeling practices, model validation, and guidelines for efficient solutions are discussed and patran与nastran是两个在工程力学领域广泛应用的软件,它们在结构分析中占据着重要的地位。patran作为一款强大的前后处理工具,提供了一种直观的用户界面,用于模型构建、数据管理及结果后处理。 NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling analysis of structures using MSC Nastran and Patran. Software\MD_Nastran\md2007\doc\pdf_nastran C:\MSC. This presentation focuses on the process from start to finish in setting up an aeroelastic trim analysis for MSC Nastran along with the corresponding results processing. 1 Patran与MSC Nastran概述 Patran和MSC Nastran是业界广泛使用的两款先进工具,前者专注于前处理,而后者则擅长后处理及分析。在产品设计和工程仿真中,两者相辅相成,为工程师提供了强大的分析平台。 NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran. Nastran的结合使用,并概述了这两个软件的基本功能和使用流程,包括几何建模、分析类型和后处理等。" 本文主要讨论了Patran软件在优化分析中的应用,特别是在2020年通信工程师中级考试中 Question: Where can I find Patran tutorials for students? Answer: You can find 30 Patran tutotrials on our YouTube channel. MP. Refining a Video Lecture and Questions for MSC Nastran; Patran Tutorial - Direct Nonlinear Transient; Stress Wave Propagation with 1D Elements Video Lecture - Nastran: Basic Tutorial for Students - Design Softwares - Design Softwares full syllabus . Jul. This is a common aspect of performing modal dynamic solutions, and pretty well understood. 2 Release Guide 8 Main Index NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling MSC Nastran serves the broad requirements of a general multidisciplinary analysis solver while also prioritizing high-performance computing, automating structural optimization, and collaborative workflow. 4 成为最后一个使用 i4 工具包导入 MSC Nastran 文件并附加 OP2 MSC Nastranは1971年の商用化以来、世界中の様々な工業製品の開発設計で活用され、機能拡張を続けてきました。MSC Nastranで得られた剛性・振動情報の互換性はOEM-サプラ Video Lecture and Questions for MSC Nastran; Patran Tutorial - Nonlinear Static Analysis; Large Deflection Video Lecture - Nastran: Basic Tutorial for Students - Design Softwares - Design Softwares full syllabus preparation - Free video for Nastran Examples using Patran(英語) トレーニング. NASTRAN生成的输出文件(通常为`. Q-DAS. Required fields are marked * Related Posts. Romax Evolve. 1 Release Guide 8 Main Index NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling MSC Nastran / Patran 最終更新日:2022年9月9日 MSC Nastran は車両・船舶・エンジン・精密機械の開発、建築構造解析、航空宇宙分野などで広く利用されている汎用構造解析有限要素法プログラムです。 Partan は、MSC Nastran Documentation for versions 2020 and later is now available in the new Product Documentation Center (PDC). RationalDMIS. NASTRAN等PC-NT版的发布, 及以MSC. Radtube. Each video has the respective step by step guide in the youtube video description, and I invite you to try the guides yourself if you want to gain experience with the software. Sign up for the webinar “Introduction to MSC Nastran and Patran 2017” MSC Nastran offre molteplici discipline di analisi, consentendo ai clienti di disporre di un'unica soluzione di analisi strutturale per un'ampia varietà di problemi ingegneristici. NAS 103: MSC/NASTRAN Nonlinear Analysis Consider another example with solid elements. The benefit of this template Video Description: MSC Nastran; Patran Tutorial - Direct Transient Response; Solids and Cylindrical Coordinates for Design Softwares 2025 is part of Nastran: Basic Tutorial for Students preparation. If less than 3 participants, the course will be cancelled. 講師によるトレーニング(日本語) エムエスシーソフトウェアのトレーニング; MSC Nastran トレーニング参加申し込み MSC Nastran fatigue analysis concerns itself only with the prior two types of fatigue analysis and is not applicable for crack growth or propagation. Chapter3: MSC MSC Nastran: NAS101A: Linear Statics and Normal Modes NAS101B: Advanced Linear Analysis NAS102A: Dynamic Analysis using MSC Nastran NAS102B: Advanced Dynamic Analysis using MSC Nastran NAS110: DMAP and Database Application to MSC Nastran NAS120: Linear Statics Normal Modes and Buckling Analysis MSC Nastran and Patran: Linear Static Analysis of Patran与MSC Nastran的简介与交互基础 ## 1. fatigue fea tip finite element analysis manufacturing Marc MSC Nastran multi-body dynamics multibody dynamics nonlinear Patran 资源浏览阅读42次。"msc. MSC Nastran and Patran provide a comprehensive solution for performing linear static analysis of a 2D axisymmetric solid. Patran的 PatranがMSC Nastran標準プリ/ポスト処理ソフトウェアになります。Nastranの入力ファイルをGUIを使いグラフィカルにモデリング、設定、修正、結果処理が行え、作業効率が上がり、モデルの視覚化が可能です。 MSC Nastran is a multidisciplinary structural analysis application used by engineers to perform static, dynamic, and thermal analysis across linear and nonlinear domains. REcreate. MSC Nastran 功能簡介 3. Click Here for the latest Online Help in HTML format. It is complemented %PDF-1. Required fields are marked fatigue fea tip finite element analysis manufacturing Marc MSC Nastran multi-body dynamics multibody Patran是美国MSC公司发布的最新广泛使用的有限元分析软件。在实际应用中,该软件可以为用户提供业界更完整的有限元建模解决方案。在功能上,为用户提供实体建模、网格划分、分析设置等。就应用范围而言,它广泛应用于Nastran、ABAQUS、LS-DYNA、ANSYS等建模。 Relevant engineering software: MSC Nastran Challenge: To further analysis of finite element models, there are times when a mesh must be refined or modified in some way. In many situations several elements are capable of modeling the same structural effects. Q-DAS solara. op2`或`. 选择适当的可视化选项,例如应力显示类型(如等值线、云图或矢量图)。 Ans. 오랜 역사와 기술력을 갖춘 MSC Nastran으로, MSC Software는 2011년 “10 Original Software Companies” 중 하나로 선정되기도 했습니다. 22. f06, search for the word: X Y - O U T P U T S U M M A R Y (spaces are necessary). Especialista no MSC NASTRAN, a MSC Software foi um dos desenvolvedores originais do primeiro MSC Nastranに加え、Patranは、MSCによって開発された他のソルバー(Marc、Dytran、MSC Sinda)だけでなく、Abaqus、Ansys、LS-Dyna、Pamcrashなどのソルバーもサポートす Acoustic Simulation actran Adams additive manufacturing advanced composites analysis automotive CAE composites digimat engineering fatigue fea tip finite element analysis manufacturing Marc MSC Nastran multi-body dynamics multibody dynamics nonlinear Patran performance simacademy simulation simulation data management Simulation Software Overview In static structural analysis, it is possible to describe the operation of MSC Nastran without a detailed discussion of the fundamental equations. Romax Spectrum. MSC Nastran data structure, the element MSC Nastran은 전세계적으로 가장 널리 사용되고 있는 유한요소해석 솔버입니다. Nastran for analysis and I was bored one night, so, I have created 10 videos demonstrating various tutorials from MSC Software's Patran and Nastran training courses. The MSC Nastran | Patran Student Edition complements the FEA Academic Bundle by enabling students to improve software MSC Nastran is a multidisciplinary structural analysis solver that performs static, dynamic, and thermal analysis across the linear and nonlinear domains, complemented with automated structural optimisation and award-winning embedded fatigue analysis. 各種ツールのインストール MobaXterm Archaea Puttyのインストール 11. Or as agreed. Elastic Stability of a Plate: For a flat plate generate a finite element representation, define the material, apply a force load with boundary conditions and prepare the model for buckling analysis. Chapter2: MSC Nastran Capabilities Provides an overview of the capabilities available with MSC Nastran including aeroelasticity, optimization, and high performance computing. Patran allows users to create the finite element model of the composite plate, define the material properties, The objective of the template is to allow the analysts to select the level of validation tests required, using parameters specific to MSC Nastran based simulations. Applications include material NAS120 - Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran This seminar introduces basic finite element analysis techniques for linear static, normal modes, and buckling analysis of structures using MSC Nastran and Patran. Romax Concept. "MSC+PATRAN从入门到精通" MSC. 0 HPC Guide is intended to provide the MSC Nastran user with the knowledge to obtain the best performance out of MSC Nastran for static analysis, eigenvalue analysis, dynamic analysis, and nonlinear analysis. Chapter1: Overview of MSC Nastran Provides an overview of MSC Nastran as well as using it with a graphical user interface like Patran or SimXpert. Romax Suite. com. The latest release of MSC Nastran and Patran have the most complete library of output data blocks for HDF5 files. NASTRAN for Windows、 MSC. ) est la version la plus populaire \MSC. It is the most widely used, extensive, I was bored one night, so, I have created 10 videos demonstrating various tutorials from MSC Software's Patran and Nastran training courses.
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