Roblox tween setprimarypartcframe CameraType = 6 wait(8) for i = 180 , 0 , - 1 do print(i) workspace. Scripting Support. I’m not sure how to make the transition smooth using The Tween object controls the playback of an interpolation. Workspace:FindFirstChild("MovingObstacles") local spikeFolder = Ok, I’ll try to make this really easy to understand. I do wish there was a combination of these two in which I can use a constraint like AlignPosition to get the smooth I have a door that consists of two parts which reside in a model. Spawn local spots = stand. I rewrote your script with a function used to weld the model. Once the Tween completes you now have a table containing a My friend and me are working on a boss npc fella and my friend coded this thing up but when he tried to add like tween to it, the bosses’ humanoidrootpart is being detached and fly’s away by itself. Parent. new("CFrameValue") CFrameValue. I am currently using SetPrimaryPartCFrame() but it is noticeable that the parts of the model don’t move together as a whole (creating a jittery effect). or when you use remoteevent/function to Well doing SetPrimaryPartCframe moves the whole model even if it isn’t welded (saying from experience), so I’m not sure if just changing the primary part’s cframe might do that too, though probably not. Here’s the code. RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt) local cf = placement:CalcPlacementCFrame(model, mouse. Currently they are all controlled by the TweenService handler I’ve made. new(10, 90, 0) The script above is intended to clone the part below and display them both in the viewport frame. Character local doors = {} local debounce This is really neat! It didn’t quite fit my use case where I wanted to tween a model’s position, so I edited the script a bit to accept SetPrimaryPartCFrame as a property name with a CFrame value. I have tweened the end part to go along the mouse vector and the beam to tween foward so far. a a Script in your model. This also won’t require you to tween every single property of the model. new(l,s,d) return T:Create(o,i,t) end I am VERY new to scripting and I am curious if there is a way to use TweenService With a primary part on a model that has no welds. The reason your tween isn’t playing (I’m assuming) is because the parts within the model are unwelded and anchored, so the tween target is only targeting 1 part to tween. There are a ton of other scripts but I’m pretty sure this is the main one that’s important. If anyone knows why this might be, please feel free to let me know. new(0,6,0)) --Make it appear in the correct slot effect. However I’d like to use the TweenStyles from TweenService. Your help will be appreciated. Developer Forum | Roblox How to tween an NPC? Help and Feedback. But the “for i,” loops I am using to animate the door, handle and latch, they’re not good because for the animation to be smooth, it has to be very slow, but I need these animations to be at the speed I’m making a tower defense game, and the placement system isn’t that smooth, so I wanted to implement TweenService to fix that. There is a BindableEvent getting fired when the train comes to a stop automatically. HumanoidRootPart. My goal is to tween Hi, I am trying to tween a CFrame such that, An Object A is tweened from an initial CFrame to the CFrame of object B while also maintaining an orientation facing towards object B. Touched:conn I have been trying to make a beam aka a Kamehameha extend in the direction of where the mouse is facing but i don’t really know how to go about doing it. What solutions have you tried so far? . I’ve noticed that you’ve omitted this parameter in your tween’s callback, further demonstration of My system will not snap and the preview disappears a second after I place it local player = game. How can I make the whole model tween like how SetPrimaryPartCFrame? Plant = Either turn the sword into a union or use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() to and update the parts position every time it moves the part. In order to get the Primary Part’s CFrame, You need to have a Part set to the PrimaryPart property in the Model’s properties. I’m assuming this is a bug because it would only make sense that if you move the primary part, all the other parts would move instantly. Refer to Introduction to Tweening Models, a tutorial I wrote out of getting more familiar with how to tween models. However, as soon as I tested it out, I realized it’s very choppy. Some things I’ve tried: Union: First, my models have mesh parts so they do I am trying to have an elevator move players down, where it then stops and falls down (a jumpscare, an elevator failure). Whenever I try to rotate the model, it doesn’t rotate. The thing is, I have set the primary part -- this is a localscript inside StarterPlayerScripts local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local model = workspace:WaitForChild("BrownShrooms1") while true do model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()*CFrame. This is different than ScaleTo as it Scales Tool. new(0,0,-3)) I’m trying to tween a model with multiple parts and when using CFrame the SetPrimaryPartCFrame positioned my whole model to where the tween starts off but the tween only tweens the primary part. But the issue is that I am having, the section of the script that puts the pet(s) into the camera, in a loop (run service) and if I disconnected that run service then the pet would leave the camera. First off, you will have to insert a ServerScript, a. And here’s a code I found in a similar topic’s replies: local info = TweenInfo. bigBall:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(char. I tried using quenty’s QPerfectionweld script but that did not work for me because some of the parts in the model do not get tweened. The problem is that the model’s primarypart’s orientation isn’t the same as the CFrame’s position of the Soil part or SoilCF. You should use GetPivot() and SetPivot() instead and there is no need to weld anything together or have a primary part defined, and they work on Set a primary part of the model and then change the primary part of the cframe: For example to rotate the model 90 degrees to the left you would do: rotation = CFrame. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! For some reason, the tween. L local Trigger = script. Thank you for any help! But my problem with that is that sometimes I make massive tween projects Due to the release of the new pivot APIs and the thankful deprecation of SetPrimaryPartCFrame, Edit (05/31/2023): Roblox has an official code sample for model tweening! It’s very lightweight and covers the necessities 1 Like. Instead, it rotates the hitbox? I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong, as I am using the primary part, but It’s still not moving. I know that there are multiple posts about this, but, none of them use the new method, PivotPoints (the other posts use the deprecated methods). Stands. LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local userInput = game:GetService("UserInputService") local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local placementFolder = What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! Using tween service for a timer. CenterPart wait(3 I decided to use SetPrimaryPartCFrame() for an elevator in a building I’m working on because it’s something rather new and I wanted to test it out. Any idea why this is happening? When I use Roblox’s TweenService with models inside of my games I struggle to find an efficient way to make the whole entire model Tween not just the PrimaryPart. Capsule:Clone() object. You are using deprecated methods, Get/SetPrimaryPartCFrame will not work soon, it suffers with floating point drift. All the code is written by me. CFrame of the model's Class. abs(modelpri. InOut local i = TweenInfo. However, only the primary part seems to be getting tweened. What other method would I go about using to fix this issue? This is the MOST easiest way out there, and it requires NO WELDING or some other complicated method. The resizetween function is really Hey, I am currently wanting to rotate a model 180 degrees using tweenService. I recommend you follow this article: Introduction to Tweening Models. Is there any way I can do this without welding my model together. Parent = itemDisplay object:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame. EasingStyle. phearothphearayuth (FrogKH) June 2, 2022, 6:01pm Use GetPrimaryPartCFrame () to get the current CFrame of your primary part. Grip and Attachments. PlayerAdded:Connect(player) local character = player. Door script: local Hinge = script. Hopefully your tween should play You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! A working Pair Of Scissors What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! setprimarypartcframe not working What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? yes Im making spikes that appear from the ground as a obstacle for my obby, I cant get it to tween though, could anyone please help me out? the spikes: the code that I used: local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local MovingObs = game. is there a way for me to lerp or tween the two waves to get a smooth transition? if so, it would be great help. But, with what I did, it isn’t working properly. Decore:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Dog. When I try to tween the models, only the PrimaryPart (The head) moves. SetPrimaryPartCFrame() ofc) Aanggoodluck (Aanggoodluck) I’m creating a placing system and want to make it tween when clicking r to rotate i aleardy created the rotating feature but i’m not sure how i’m supposed to tween it. I get the following error: Module: local tweenService = game:GetService('TweenService') local runService = game:GetService('RunService') local Car As a little side project, I’ve been trying to make a rotating circle of parts, to get back into coding However, I’ve run into a problem. When the cars are turned off, they have no issues. completed event that should fire every time it is canceled or completed is only firing once. TargetFilter = PrieviewObject --checks the preiviewobject childeren to find the mainpart I essentially want to tween a door which has a hidden Hinge part (not related to contraints). In short: I want to tween the orientation of a model. local Tween = tweenService:Create(dummy. Instead, you have to go through the SetPrimaryPartCFrame() method on the model, which will move all the other parts relative to the primary part for you. PrimaryPart local opened = false local Promt = So I have a swimming system. I tween a part of the dummy and a for loop makes the work My question is, this will lag? The script performance seems ok. I haven’t tested it rigorously, so I don’t know how well it behaves under stress or when other properties are included in the table, so user beware. I have no idea how to fix this does anyone know how? Here’s a video: Here’s Additionally, it demonstrates how the callback parameter can be used to detect when the tween stops (whether it was cancelled by another tween or completed). PrimaryPart before using this. Orientation = Vector3. Linear d = d or Enum. c7c cloned by a local script to workspace. since filtering enabled is in place “actions made by the client will no longer freely replicate to the server”. Falling. Position dummy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame. It'll require a loop to create the effect you're looking for. TheWorl</details> I want the model to Tween & face the Camera and then when it’s done the Model will Tween back. Assets. So whenever I try and Hello :wave:, I’m trying to make a tween work with a look vector, however, instead of tweening to the desired position, it just teleport. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! I welded all parts together, but when i play the tween, just the I’ve known how to Tween models for a while, however I’m aware that I’m definitely not doing it properly. PrimaryPart ------------Set Model PrimaryPart local moveto = NPos -----------Position Of Model PrimaryPart Vector3 local movedis = math. I am stumped as to how I can accomplish this without having the local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local ToolStand = workspace. A tween is ran on the value of CFrameValue. Is there a way to apply this? So, I’m fairly new at coding, and I wanna know ( if it is even possible ) = how do you use the tweenservice to tween all the parts in a model? Currently, I’m using SetPrimaryPartCframe in a loop to create a type of elevator, however, when I do this, it lags for some people causing them to go through the part or get stuck inside of it. The primary part is anchored and is called “EngineBlock” Every other part in the model is not anchored All parts in the model are welded together with the Weld Instance Script (the clone is the model) : local clone = In order to tween the positions of Models using TweenService, one must use TweenService to tween a CFrameValue and use a CFrameValue. There's no method that'll do it for you with one use. Hit. AC_Starmarine Clone() --Spawn effect effect:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(slotGui. The goal is to basically do Humanoid:MoveTo(), but instead of using a Humanoid, I’d like to use TweenService and maybe a BodyGyro at most. Everything works I guess, but there’s no way to set the Position property of the Model. Here is a minimum reproducible script that I started scripting around 6 months ago, but i have been trying to avoid asking questions thru dev forum, anyways the topic is, i have problems with tweening, specifically related to the mouse. My code: -- Doors local left = script. CFrame * CFrame. Timer is used for a countdown until an AI kills the player. Angles(0, math. CFrame So there is this strange bug in my game where these tweened moving lollipop platforms are working perfectly fine until you morph into one of the characters. Spots local rigs = Im making spikes that appear from the ground as a obstacle for my obby, I cant get it to tween though, could anyone please help me out? the spikes: the code that I used: local TweenService = Hello! I have a model called “MyModel” that I needed to move around the map without TPing it. The problem is that SetPrimaryPartCFrame can result in very choppy movement. And to move a model, you can’t just set the primary part’s CFrame. Here’s the clip. In my roblox game, I made an animated door, with an animated handle and latch. Position. CFrame = Cframe stuff blahblahblah. . CameraPart. I first tried :SetPrimaryPartCFrame, but sadly, the model was lagging when doing that, so I got that idea out of the way. NPC. Parent local tree = workspace. I made a primary part which is invisible and covers the entire door. It is not currently possible to tween whole models (hopefully soon) If you really don’t want to just weld the parts together i would make an invisible part that does the tween you want and use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() to set the models position to the invisible parts position in a Please set Model. TweenServiceを使用することで、プロパティを使ったアニメーションが簡単に実現できます。 位置、サイズ、カラー、透明度などをアニメーションしたい場合に便利です。 You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I want to tween a car for a cutscene by adding a RootPart which is welded to all the other parts. The movement is very smooth across client and server. CFrame) It goes far away from Player. Here’s my code (ignore the top part). BasePart. local userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") So. Bind a Changed:Connect function to the value and store the inputs from the connection in a table. Magnitude - Im trying to tween a model by tweening the primary part of that model, but the primary part is the only thing tweened. Actually, upon inspecting further, the warning comes not from a script, but roblox studio itself. Door1 local door2 = So I wrote a module to handle driving my car, but it isn’t working. It moved my model, but What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! Aim down sight What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! Jitter when moving What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? Different methods of manipulation, changing it to be under camera, be moved to cameras cframe with and without tween. It appears there’s a short I’m trying to make a tween door, looked up on youtube and copied the scripts. The towers are models, and have player rigs. Here’s my scripts. Use SetPrimaryPartCFrame() is deprecated; use GetPivot() and PivotTo() instead. local player = game. Hence why I want to So I have a crate, which I need to spin. local Model = ? local Don’t use Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame, as it is deprecated. As CFrame is not a settable property of models, this workaround has to be used. But if I reverse this, and I try to tween the model and then set its primary part CFrame, the tween works fine, but I can’t change the primary part CFrame after. new() local function tweenModel(model, CF) local CFrameValue = Instance. Character or player. here is a snippet of the code RunService. PrimaryPart. The code above gets to work. Value = I have a script that should gradually speed up a model’s movement up to 1, then slowing it down back to 0 when the set key is released. This would mean the Position and LookVector properties of the CFrame are the same vector, which causes issues. Sound:Play() Cam. Stand local firstLoc = stand. well thats the main problem youre cloning using a local script and the tween script is a server script. Axes local Info = hello developers! im creating a first person shooter and am creating sine wave to create the walking animations for the viewmodels. Falling, tweening, pos1) Tween:Play() for i = 0, 55, 1 do local pos = dummy. Exponential, -- Easing Style Enum. new(0, 0, 0)) object. ReturnCorridor01:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrameHere) and then tween that same model using that tween code, everything works fine. 5 tick when I put it at the same How would i tween an NPC? I’ve tried changing the position of the HumanoidRootPart, I’ve tried changing the position of the HumanoidRootPart, but it only moves that. Here’s the function of the script: function randomMoveToPlate() local ChosenPlate = So basically I’m working on a JoJo game and the stand’s arms just stay invisible, why is that? <details><summary>CODE</summary>while barraging do RunService. Been trying to tween the position of a rig whose Humanoid, Animate, and HRP I’ve deleted. Tweens can be used on any object with compatible property types, including: TweenService only works on parts. MenuF:WaitForChild('Mission'). Spots local rigs = Hello! I am wondering how I can make the Pet Models size up when they first show up, and tween down like how the text does (in the video down below), but I am unable to figure out how to do so because if I were to do “petOneConnection:Disconnect”, then it would just stop, and go out of the camera, but since its looping then it just stays in that position, but how can I Hello there! I am trying to move a humanoid model with the TweenService. And as for the tweening, you should tween only the model’s primary part (and weld other parts to the primary part, remember to anchor the primary part and unanchor those “other parts”) because tweening a whole model Despite your best efforts to use SetPrimaryPartCFrame, does your character keep spawning from the sky in an empty baseplate? Then transform your code: game. What I want to know is how to tween the whole model not just the PrimaryPart to make the whole entire model tween or move. You will learn that Every time the CFrameValue changes, the model uses SetPrimaryPartCFrame to move the model to that dummy object’s value. I’m encountering an issue where mobile performance goes down a lot with the cars enabled ingame. a fix to this would be using a module script and calling it via local script. Changed:Connect(function()) to call Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() on the given model. Is there an equivalent method for body movers (AlignPosition, etc) that will allow me to move a model and all of its parts like SetPrimaryPartCFrame does? (welding is not an option in my case) [Edited: Unfortunately the TweenService will only touch individual instances. Players. Any help is appreciated. local CircleCenter = game. Basically i want to create a tween So I’m making a door for my game and it’s supposed to tween the door Due to the release of the new pivot APIs and the thankful deprecation of SetPrimaryPartCFrame, Edit (05/31/2023): Roblox has an official code sample for model tweening! It’s very lightweight and covers the necessities Instead of tweening Hey I’m trying to tween a door. I’ve decided to try to change the way it works as I’m now building a tram which moves between 3 stations on a time delay. I added a new line into the script using sounds and when it’s opening the sound bugs, but if it closes it’s completly normal. The other part How do I tween relative to humanoidrootpart? When I do. local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local info = TweenInfo. ToolStand local ToolCFrames = ToolStand. So I’m wondering if anyone knows why: --Services{ local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local game:GetService("RunService"). CFrame Cam. Any ideas? Just curious, as using TweenService would create a smoother effect than using something like lerp I would not recommend @4SHN suggestion at all, that will get very messy very quickly. Model. Desk. The Firstly, that tutorial is outdated. If there is none, how would I weld my model together? local object = Items. new() cannot be used for this TweenService is used to create Tweens which interpolate, or tween, the properties of instances. EasingDirection. All other parts in the model will also be moved and will maintain their orientation and offset respective to the If you really want to tween a model this way, create a dummy CFrameValue, tween its CFrame property, then connect a GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame") to it and Since the door is a model, I have to use CFrame (more specifically :SetPrimaryPartCFrame()) to move it. However only the part (Capsule) is actually moved. local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local function appear() -- Define variables local stand = workspace. this looks really good and takes off a lot of work, but the transition between the idle waves and the walking waves is instant. InOut, -- Easing I am using SetPrimaryPartCFrame to move a model and all of the parts within a model. p, rotation) model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cf) end) How can I Lerp or Tween this thing? This is a useful function that Resizes everything so their is no visual bugs in bones and rigs. TweenModel(Model,NPos,times) local modelpri = Model. new() local function Sets the Class. rad(90), 0) modelCFrame = model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( modelCFrame * rotation ) Make sure that the front face of the primary part is facing towards workspace. Ok, I’ll try to make this really easy to understand. new(pos)) wait() end You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! A working Pair Of Scissors What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! setprimarypartcframe not working What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? yes I have had the best results with constraints such as AlignPosition. I have the script working, however I’m aware that the model Tweening function is bad practice. Currently, I create a CFrame value, parent it It would be better if you wrote your own custom SetPrimaryPartCFrame function to manually offset parts from a root. The elevator starts off moving normally, however it jitters and can This is a function that I wrote a long time ago for Tweening. The key is to Tween a value between 0 and 1 over the required timescale, using whichever Easing style or direction you desire. Just tell me how to make tween work and make it HumanoidRootPart. I also added a ScaleFactor value so that you can change the ScaleFactor in real time. local function moveCar(newCar, endPoint) I think you should set “Goal” as a CFrame because “Goal:SetPrimaryPartCFrame()” will not work (since it isn’t a model). CFrame = workspace. scripting. Hi there, I am currently struggling with a really simple door system tweening the door objects (which won’t work!) I don’t know why it would not work, because it prints the stuff which I put right above the tween line into the output, yet the doors won’t move. 5 seconds but I don’t know how do I add the up and down tweening when it’s already tweening by moving on a straight line and the transparency is fading slowly instead of a . You could use this to scale anything without issue. Read this thread instead. Since SetPrimaryPartCFrame isn’t a property, you can’t tween it and would have to use a loop. I tried to reproduce examples, but it wouldn’t work. Here is what it looks like: function MoveWithTween(model, position) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local TweenServiceInfo = TweenInfo. I want change the orientation of the model to spin it, with tween service. Without further ado, let’s get started. Still gonna drop it This is partly true, but the solution for Tweening models is easily achieved. CFrame - Vector3. It works well, even though the code is a little cumbersome, it gets the job done. The variable i in your for loop is increasing by I’m trying to make my script Tween a model by its PrimaryPart. I connected all the welds to that part, and tried to tween it. If you want to set a CFrame of a mesh, just do door. When the elevator is moving down steadily before it stops, as you would expect a regular elevator to, but the elevator jitters while moving and I don’t know why it is doing so. new( 1, -- Length Enum. NPC:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(workspace. If you want to tween a model using SetPrimaryPartCFrame, do this: function lerp(p,start,target) you can use lerp to tween the model. new(2) local db = true Trigger. ToolCFrames local AxeFolder = ToolStand. Parent = workspace local tween = game:GetService("TweenService Not sure if this is possible, as there aren’t any properties of a model that TweenService could use I believe. This is basically how it’s going to work: Basically You can only call “SetPrimaryPartCFrame” on a model, as they are the only ones with a “primarypart”. Secondly, your logic is going to move the model upwards. It has a section explaining why SetPrimaryPartCFrame is bad. I want to tween a rig (model) to a certain location (model). Use SetPrimaryPartCFrame () to change the CFrame of your primary part. LocalPlayer local character=player. This is the script I am using: local tween = tweenservice:Create(tower. PrimaryPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = Hello! I am wondering how I can make my Pets model tween down when they’re in the camera like how the text in the video down below shows. RenderStepped:Connect(function() if PlacingObject == true then Mouse. local T = game:GetService('TweenService') function tween(o,t,l,s,d) s = s or Enum. k. This uses i,v in pairs. On the other hand, I have had very poor results with SetPrimaryPartCFrame, which is very choppy and laggy at times. Tween Info What is the issue? i have an tool with 2 models (1 is base of it and 2 is the model i want to move) if I try tweening 2nd model with tweenservice then it won’t work because of welds between model 1 and model 2 and if i dont do Hello, I am trying to make a “smart tweening” ModuleScript to create, play, and destroy tweens automatically as needed. However, while my code works well in a regular Script, it appears that when passing it to a ModuleScript via require() followed by a function call from the script that required the module, something weird happens when you attempt to pass in a I am trying to make a gui that shows the selected sword which is supposed to rotate, however it won’t, there is no errors regard the script, I have tried several different methods but not a single one works, here are some screenshot and the current script, I have made the handle visible to show the rotation: local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") Hi there, I’ve currently got cars spawning every second, with about 20ish cars in the game at a time. How can I fix the script so I don’t have to change the PrimaryPart’s orientation to 0, 0, 0 and not change the Soil’s orientation but just never change the orientation just the position but I Been Trying To Make Tween Function For Model With SetPrimaryPartCFrame This What i Have Tried: function Manima. Workspace. After you morph its position changes and it starts going up higher and you can make it go higher and higher every time you morph. I looked up a bit for alternatives, and ended up finding “TweeningService”. Dog. I personally use it simply because it’s easier for me to remember. I use Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() to animate the door. The problem is that you can’t do this with a model without welding it. Creating and configuring a Tween is done with the TweenService:Create() function; Instance. 😃 Code: local door1 = door. CFrame * HumanoidRootPart. Heartbeat:Wait() local rightArm = ReplicatedStorage. FallingTree local bgs = game:GetService("BadgeService") local ts = game:GetService("TweenService") local tinfo = TweenInfo. Personally I use a custom Tween object that I created, which lets me so I’m trying to make a ghost that moves in a straight line while floating up and down to make it seem natural, I also want to make it so it fade in and out every . CFrame at the same time. So it’s meant to originally load a mesh but when I replaced the Mesh with a Model, same name, it completely breaks. CharacterAdded:Wait() character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cframe) end) Tweenの基本. Circle. qjkm burj cgk qdxygr tudp eakve iqs nvgehm usg ypj envi xuue zjyzbe ulq qnwxglr