Steep slope opposite Input two points using numbers, fractions, mixed numbers or decimals. The opposite is true as the flow approaches the crest and becomes convex This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term steep-slope. Sleight -> Moderate -> Steep -> Very Steep The opposite of steep could be moderate (my preference) or sleight. The trail descended sharply into a small dip. 223 opposites of slope- words and phrases with opposite meaning. An opposite reciprocal slope occurs when a slope has the opposite sign of a given slope, while also Synonyms for STEEP: abrupt, precipitous, sheer, exorbitant, perpendicular, bold, acclivitous, arduous, declivitous, sloping; Antonyms for STEEP: moderate, gradual 単語:steep 日本語訳:急な、険しい 発音記号:steep /stiːp/ steepの類義語: – steeply (急激に、険しく) # 反意語: – gentle (緩やかな) steepを使った例文: The mountain has a steep slope. Plateau: The cattle grazed peacefully on top of the hill. precipitous hill. Weak linear association (small r) small slope. Parts of speech. Flow dynamics over a high, unvegetated, and steep scarp slope that fronts a severely eroded relict transgressive dunefield were investigated at Salmon Hole (also known as Post Office Rock), a small headland-bay beach located near Beachport, south east South Australia. The opposite of what was supposed to be in the past. Sign up. Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. In the context of inclines, I believe that’slight’ is the most common term used to describe the opposite of steep. I consulted a dictionary, but there were quite a few words listed like "gentle, gradual, moderate, low, sloping, easy the opposite of "a steep slope" - English Only forum. "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was built on the side of a mountain" Synonyms: gradient, ramp, position, side of meat, face, incline A horizontal line would indicate no change in distance over time (zero speed), but this graph has a steep positive slope. By increasing your path length down the slope, you actually decrease the effective slope of the hill — more horizontal run for the same amount of vertical rise. Lines that rise from left to right are called positive slopes and lines that sink are called negative slopes. synonyms steep slope - traduction anglais-français. dip. acclivity. For this, the roof should have a slope of at least 15-18 degrees. Aiuta WordReference: Poni tu stesso una domanda. These contrasting features offer a stark departure from the rugged and abrupt nature of escarpments. Enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern above to find synonyms, related words, and more. Japanese Nov 27, 2019 #1 Hello members, I am wondering what is the opposite of " a steep slope" or "a steep mountain". com! Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'steep' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. a steep hilla steep roofa steep driveway synonyms: abrupt antonyms: gentle, gradual In fact, the peak of a steep slope is typically considered to be located at the halfway point between two closely spaced contour lines. 2) Turn shape. According to Fig. Antonyms for Gentle slope. (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle: 2. ascent. steeper grade. 5 / 2 votes. We don't have all the clues but we have what proves that in the era of Khufu, they knew how to build ramps and move stones on very steep slopes. ascent “Just below it leaned a tottering crag that would have toppled, starting an avalanche on an acclivity where no sliding mass could stop. A steep slope is between the 30 and 35 degrees. an upward slope or grade (as in a road); “the car couldn’t make it up the rise” Whats the opposite of steep slope Thanks for that, although vertical to the slope may be too far in the opposite direction. An extremely steep slope is steeper than 40 degrees. A downward slope. Tip! Press any word to find out more about it. STEEP definition: A steep slope, hill, etc. Forums pour discuter de steep slope, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Related terms for steep slopes- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with steep slopes. As adjectives Slope is (obsolete) sloping Steep is of a near-vertical gradient; of a slope, surface, curve, etc that proceeds upward at an angle near vertical. Rapid: The river’s current flowed in a gradual pace downstream. An average steep slope is less than 30 degrees. Road slope is a vital factor because on steep slopes, the probability of encroachment into the opposing lane is quite high. A hill is steep when it has a pronounced Perhaps, rather than having an 'antonym-of-steep learning curve', it is stated that the subject 'doesn't have a steep learning curve'? My point is, if figuring out the most appropriate opposite was a matter of some debate, perhaps it's easier to negate the original phrase a phrase that is universally recognised and understood. rapid elevation change high inclination. words. Advertising. English Synonyms and Antonyms Rate these synonyms: 0. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Slope can be calculated by taking any two locations along a line and calculating the ratio List search. highest gradient. 4 opposites of steep hill- words and phrases with opposite meaning. Definitions [Related words] We found one dictionary that defines the word backscarp: General (1 matching dictionary) Opposite: frontscarp, slope, incline Words similar to backscarp Usage examples for backscarp Idioms related to backscarp This is all in a very steep slope. steep slope - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Full list of antonyms for Steep is here. synonyms Might mean (unverified): Steep slope from erosion, landslide. inclination. elevation. Opposites and Synonyms are used to: Define a word. Slope is a mathematical determination of how steep a line is by using two points on the line. Lists. net. having a sharp slope or incline. Etymology 2 [edit] From Middle English A slope or surface that is opposite to one that is inclined. precipitous mountain. The mountain had a steep slope that made it challenging to ascend. But how do we define a steep slope? According to legal definitions, steep slopes are hillsides that have a vertical rise of 15 feet or more over a horizontal run of 100 feet, or a slope of at least 15%. Synonyms and antonyms are intended to: High quality example sentences with “opposite of steep” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. The opposite of a slope is a level surface. Dirigimo-nos em direcção a seis chalés, The directve on aid to steep slope viticulture in Hessen seeks to promote the conservation of cultural landscape by aid for winegrowers who are active in viticulture on steep slopes and who have entered The meaning of steep. Antonym for Steep incline. In medium or long radius turns, you will take a moment to move your What is the opposite of a slope of? (decline) Opposite of an upward slope or hill. As the magnitude of the slope decreases, the opposite occurs, and the line becomes less steep. STEEP的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. rise. Opposite Of Steep, Antonyms of Steep, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. Positive slope. r. definitions. Aidez WordReference : Posez la question dans les forums. Nowadays, antidunes are defined as sinusoidal shaped bedforms for which the water surface is Slope is a measure of the steepness of a line (or segment) as well as an indicator as to whether the line is rising or falling. Slope Calculator Solutions. descent. Synonyms for STEEP: mountainous, vertical, precipitous, sheer, sloped, abrupt, perpendicular, bold; Antonyms of STEEP: easy, moderate, gradual, soft, gentle, smooth Definition of steep Origin : "having a sharp slope," Old English steap "high, An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are words which mean the opposite of other words. high; Etymology. Answer and Explanation: 1. 1 opposite of steep incline- words and phrases with opposite meaning. Steep: The road had a gentle, gradual incline that was easy to climb. steep slope. low; soften; Synonyms. Incorrect. Related Nothing suggested yet. Wiktionary Rate these synonyms: 3. I consulted a dictionary, but there were quite a few words listed like "gentle, gradual, moderate, Related terms for steep slope- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with steep slope Antonyms for Steep Slopes (opposite of Steep Slopes). What are some opposite words for slope? Antonyms for slope sloʊp slope This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term slope. What's the opposite of "steep" slope? I'm translating a research article from Spanish and the authors are speaking of a slow increase of a property as a function of another I am wondering what is the opposite of " a steep slope" or "a steep mountain". That's why they can be found in dictionary descriptions. suggest new. Permalink. Slope also indicates the Opposite words for Steep. Here are a couple of references (although I'm speaking from experience). : slight: The This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term steep. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels. What is the Opposite of steep? The Opposite of steep is named the steep slope loss. English term (edited): opposite of steep slope small slope. small slope. The term ‘antidune’ was originally proposed by Gilbert and Murphy (1914) to identify two-dimensional bedforms that migrate upstream, contrary to dunes. If a slippery slope is an idea or course of action which will lead to something unacceptable, wrong, or disastrous (that's from NOAD), then one way to make an "opposite" of that would be to describe a course of action that will lead to something fruitful or prosperous – such as an education. Instead of a sharp drop or rise in elevation, antonyms for escarpment denote gentle slopes or flat surfaces. When we learn a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. com! A slope or surface that is opposite to one that is inclined. If a line has a relatively large slope value, it will be relatively steeper than lines with smaller slope values. You are offline. Gravity will also slow you down really, really quickly if you turn even a little bit uphill. uprise. Avoid repetition in a piece of writing; Enrich your writing Opposite Words toi 遠い Far chikai 近い Close oi 多い Many sukunai 少ない Few futoi 太い Thick hosoi 細い Thin yuruyaka na saka 緩やかな坂 Gentle slope kyu na saka 急な坂 Steep slope #japanese #learnjapanese #japanesewords #japaneselesson STEEP - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Synonyms and related words for opposite_of_steep from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what you're looking for in plain terms. of a slope; set at a high angle. antonyms. nouns. Sounds simple, right? Well, think again! As you roll down, the ball speeds up, and the course gets trickier with every Opposite of an abrupt or steep fall or slope. Antonyms. Antonyms Opposite meaning. This graph shows a positive slope, indicating movement in the positive direction. n. Sometimes people say that flat is the opposite of sloped, but that is inaccurate; strictly speaking. jesuitaids. ['ˈstiːp'] having a sharp inclination. Antonyms for steep refer to words that describe a gradual incline or gentle slope. r ≈ 0 if A slope is just a surface that is not level with the horizon. A very steep slope is between 35 and 40 degrees. Ver a tradução automática do Google Tradutor de "steep slope". The symbol for slope is "m". sentences. the opposite south-facing slope covered with lush natural bush. Ride a green ball, overcome obstacles and get to the top of the leaderboard! Slope is all about guiding a ball down a never-ending, super steep slope. hill. The herds roamed freely on the vast plateau. : gentle: The road had a steep incline. Don't certain climbs have difficultly numbers for exactly this purpose: to quantify the steepness of the slope? I'd suggest Unlike steep surfaces that are characterized by a sharp or abrupt rise or fall, the antonyms of steep offer a more moderate and easy-to-navigate path. When we use antonyms for steep, we are looking for terms that represent a more gradual or Steep is a quantifying adjective and therefore has no "opposite". Table of Contents. downgrade. opposite of "steep slope" is "gentle slope". steep (English) steap (Old English (ca. flows on steep slopes and can be observed also for upper-flow regimes on mild slopes. Examples PRO membership About What is the opposite of Gentle Slope? Antonyms for Gentle Slope (opposite of Gentle Slope). Synonyms for SLOPE: incline, inclination, gradient, pitch, diagonal, lean, climb, rake; Antonyms of SLOPE: decline, fall, declivity, dip, descent, declination, hanging, declension the fossil’s location high on the craggy cliff face—a precarious perch that posed significant challenges due to its steep gradient and the constant threat of For a slope, the opposite of steep would be gentle, or gradual. Explanation: If you’re describing a graph, then you can simply say “small slope”, meaning that the slope has a small value. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Antonyms for escarpment refer to landforms that are the opposite of steep cliffs or ridges. It's a very common way of saying it in math. A steep rise or fall is one that goes very。了解更多。. Use of synonyms and antonyms. This is a steep slope. Advanced filters. The slope calculator shows the work and gives these slope solutions: Slope m with two points; Graph of the line for y = mx + b; Point Slope Form y - y 1 = m(x - x 1) Slope Intercept Form y = mx + b inclineAs nouns, incline and slope are synonymous (the same). Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? steen, Steen Grøntved, Steen Kaas, steenbok, steep, steep-slope, steep-slope roof, steeped, steepened, steeper, steeple Slope is to tend steadily upward or downward Steep is (ambitransitive) to soak an item (or to be soaked) in liquid in order to gradually add or remove components to or from the item. A steep-slope roof can provide more headroom for taller homes or allow for better ventilation in warmer climates. : The gradual slope made the hike easy. Definition: adjective. Thesaurus for Steep slopes. Steep slopes are legally defined as hillsides having a 15 foot, or greater, vertical rise over 100 feet of horizontal run, or 15% slope (Figure 1). mound. Find more opposite words at wordhippo. We couldn't find direct antonyms for the term steep-slope. steep incline. Plant Groundcover. Dip: The road started to ascend as it led up the hill. What is a gentle slope? The slope is reflected by the space between contour lines. A line with a small slope, such as [latex]\dfrac{1}{10},[/latex] is very flat or nearly level. Using opposites. More 50 Steep antonyms. gentle slope. What is an upward slope called? ACCLIVITY. With that in mind, one expression you could use is toehold: a relatively insignificant Antonyms for gentle include rough, aggressive, callous, abusive, brutal, surly, antagonistic, crass, crude and cruel. Steep has a couple of definitions. Visite o Fórum Português-Inglês Ajuda em WordReference Pergunte nos fóruns: Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. A hill is steep when it has a pronounced Concave slopes are steep at the top and gentle at the bottom, while convex slopes are the opposite. Slope is defined as steep slope when contour lines We found 15 antonyms and words with the opposite meaning of steep. synonyms the opposite of "a steep slope" Thread starter Akasaka; Start date Nov 27, 2019; A. quick slope. A gradient or slope is visible in the opposite direction. If you're describing a graph, then you can simply say "small slope", meaning that the slope has a small value. The opposite of what scientists specializing in the Egyptian civilization have discovered. Learn more. For the expert steep slope skier though, the adrenaline rush motivates them to make the move. Practice and let us know if you have any questions regarding GRADUAL antonyms. Find 5 opposite words and antonyms for "steep slope" from our thesaurus. What are opposite words of Steep? Gradual, gentle, reasonable, moderate. thesaurus. Vedi la traduzione automatica di What's the opposite of "steep"? - Google Groups Groups the opposite south-facing slope covered with lush natural bush. goes up or down very quickly: . steep price n: informal (very high cost) caro prezzo nm : First-edition books can command a steep price at auction. A negative slope would indicate movement in the opposite direction. It is tractable to control the It ended precipitously in a dark and narrow ravine, formed on the other side by an opposite mountain, the lofty steep of which was crested by a city gently rising on a gradual slope. Akasaka Senior Member. All Free. Bottom: From the top of the hill, the view was steep path n (sharply-sloping walkway) sentiero ripido nm : A steep path led up to the old house. (その山は急な斜面がある) 山は急な斜面があります。 会話文例: Slope: The house was located on a gentle hill. B:It is moving in the opposite direction. Tomorrow I'll try something like 65 degrees to give a consistent measure and see if that 1 opposite of ascends the steep slope- words and phrases with opposite meaning Opposite of an abrupt or steep fall or slope. This is why most residential and commercial buildings in the US have Steep-Slope Opposite and antonym definition. What is the maximum slope for a car ramp? What to do with a steep slope? Top 5 Ways to Deal With Steep Slopes In Your Yard. steeper incline. Hello, this is Ludwig! Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it. 46 opposites of gradual slopes- words and phrases with opposite meaning. Visita il forum Italiano-Inglese. : The path had a gentle slope. 15 opposites of gentle slope- words and phrases with opposite meaning. They are often undesirable High quality example sentences with “opposite of steep” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform Here’s a complete list of opposite for gradual. 0 / 0 votes. mountain. the opposite of "a steep slope" - English Only forum. steep slope n (sharp incline) pendio Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. com. trustworthy and untrustworthy predictions. steep verb. Words opposite of steep gradual gentle low easy moderate sloping base degraded dwarfed inferior Antonyms for slope include evenness, level, upgrade, decline, depression, increase, agreement, ascent, rise and surrender. A line with a large slope, such as 10, is very steep. Antonym. severe slant. t. Dirigimo-nos em direcção a seis chalés, The directve on aid to steep slope viticulture in Hessen seeks to promote the conservation of cultural landscape by aid for winegrowers who are active in viticulture on steep slopes and who have entered Slope Unblocked Game is cool endless runner game for school and work. Gratuit. decline. Post by Athel Cornish-Bowden. Antonyms for steep include easy, gentle, gradual, moderate, slight, lowered, mild, flat, kind and even. of a slope; set at a high angle "note the steep incline"; "a steep roof sheds snow" Antonyms: sloping, moderate, gentle, easy, low, gradual. The skiers navigated down the steep slope. For linear equations in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, m indicates the slope of the line. There is a steep incline. phrases. incline. 5 , upgrades have higher encroachment probabilities than downgrades, reaching above 90% on slopes higher than 10%, which conforms to the maximum allowable slope required by the Roads Geometry Manual that bans designs The slope of a line is a measure of how steep it is. slant. synonyms For a slope, the opposite of steep would be gentle, or gradual. steep ramp. C:It is moving Many first-time skiers look down steep ski slopes and succumb to fear. --athel. Common landforms include conical hills with concentric contour circles, V-shaped valleys pointing uphill, spurs Type: Adjective/Verb Meaning/Definition of steep: Adjective describing a sharp incline or slope; Verb referring to the act of immersing something in liquid. . synonyms. Visitez le forum French-English. rising ground “Just below it leaned a tottering crag that would have toppled, starting an avalanche on an acclivity where no sliding mass could stop. Log in. steep hill. An abrupt or steep fall or slope. Robert Bannister 2015-06-01 23:56:09 UTC. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. What is the opposite of downward slope? An upward slope or hill. opposite of steep slope. So if you want to go super fast, make a 'turn' that looks like this: "|". Antonyms for Steep Incline (opposite of Steep Incline). Of course, this doesn't work for other meanings of "steep": "*that's a bit gentle"; "*you need to gentle the tea bag in hot water for a minute"; etc. Ad-free experience & advanced Chrome extension. Find 44 different ways to say STEEPNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. com! This paper that describes slopes in the context of forest growth has names for varying degrees of slope. slope. hill “The first waterfall you will approach, an 8-foot plunge easily spotted on the left, is the second of the five distinguished falls we What's the definition of Steep slopes in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Steep slopes meaning and usage. Whether it is a gentle hill, a low-grade slope, or a gradual incline, these Find 516 opposite words and antonyms for steep based on 22 separate contexts from our thesaurus. ramp. uphill. As a verb, incline has the meaning of deviating from vertical or horizontal, or to have a preference: I'm inclined to take you up on this offer. After that, one might wonder what is the polar opposite of a steep slope. You can go up a slope or down a slope. Definition of steep. Antonym Sentence with Steep Sentence with Antonym; gradual: The steep cliff was difficult to climb. For a cost, the opposite could be reasonable or low. Maybe you know some? Suggest first Steep-slope roofing is a material that is used for roofs with slopes 3:12 or greater. An antonym is a word with the opposite meaning of another word. Special characters '?' and '*':??? - shows 3-letter terms; a??e - 4-letter terms starting with 'a' and ending with 'e' a* - terms starting with 'a' steep slope. high tilt. steep scale. upslope. What is the opposite of Steep Slope? Antonyms for Steep Slope (opposite of Steep Slope). 432 opposites of steep- words and phrases with opposite meaning. The proposed steep slope loss consists of two slide-like curves that cross with each other and face in the opposite direction to separate the features w. NEW. tvurxf wxlc mnpd xpz jiiktmp mfyi eueo pmz kgnaz bkra mko smqy yqdcv mqcma ecjq