Tctl vs tdie Reply reply Top 1% Rank Like, core temperatures have been more than fine with Core Performance Boost, too, it's just the Tclt/Tdie, which has been kinda hotter than what I've seen others get. Martin. Oct 7, 2009 59,459 6,264 178,440. 9c, cpu die was at 78. crashkaST New Member. However, I've heard that the CPU temp reported on Ryzen Master I know the core tctl/tdie has a degree offset but I don't know if I should which since core tdie has lower temperatures and is the real temperature of the cpu. Test. 공지 Gostaríamos de exibir a descriçãoaqui, mas o site que você está não nos permite. Some CPUs have that offset (then Tdie = Tctl - Is it normal that the CPU (Tctl/Tdie) temps are double the temp than my CPU CCD1 (Tdie) in HWINFO64 on my Ryzen 7 7800X3D? I got a Noctua NH-D15 chromax. Then you could even assume that Tj and Tctl are identical, although I personally assume a higher value, but it is not disclosed so as not to scare the end user. Tctl is. May 23, 2020 #1 Hi everyone, Apologies if Tctl/Tdie vs Tdie-- Tctl eller Tdie. Waiting for DerB8auer Direct Die water block for customloop. Dort gibt es Tctl/tctldie und Tdie Average darunter. Can you please tell me why is CPU(Tctl) temp so low whilst CPU Package (TSI) is pretty high? Does the Tctl counts its offset as Tdie-offset=Tctl, or smh else or it's just a The correct CPU temperature to monitor is CPU (Tctl/Tdie), that's the temp that would generally be used to control fans. Using and adjusting fan control correctly – basics, curves and tools | Tutorial. Most likely tctl/tdie is the hotspot of entire package. 9c should I go by package temp or tctl temp please? Thanks. 5~4. It is also red, so I am nervous. e. At high loads, Tctl may But Tctl/Tdie is important too as this is the one controling the fan of CPU cooler (hence Tctl=Tcontrol). Ich habe aufgrund Is the big difference between Tctl/Tdie and SOC temps on CPU mean a bad stock thermal application from the factory? (Legion 5 Pro Ryzen 7 5800H) Share Sort by: Best. temps were usually 50c but now I’ve re applied thermal paste ( spread pattern ) my 这就是上图中排列在第一的“Tctl”温度,它是CPU认为的应该告诉散热系统的温度。 因此,这个温度并不能准确的反映现在的CPU的温度,它会与真实温度存在一定的区别,而 I'd do CCDs Max, that should be the hottest temp on the chip (what you actually care about) 先说Ryzen 7 2700X, 和第一代Ryzen中TDP 95W的型号类似, 内置的测温会回报名为Tctl和Tdie两组温度, 而前者会在后者的基础上增加10℃的偏移量. . I've been using fan control with my Ryzen 5 7600x, and was wondering if I should be using either Tctl, or Tdie for my temperature curves? What's the difference? Related Tctl/Tdie is suppose to be the hotspot among CCD sensors. 3 so I'm sure I'm ok. Fix_that_Glitch Judicious. But its quite loud and running really hot (if looking at Tcltl/Tdie). For the laptop detectives out there, what does it mean when your tctl/tdie temperature is almost same as CPU core temperature during stress test, but CPU core is 10 degrees lower than Processeur (TCTL/TDIE) à 47,3c CPU DIE (moyenne) à 37,7 °C CPU CCD1 (Tdie) à 36,5c CPU CCD2 (Tdie) à 33,5c J'ai lu que la gamme de processeurs X a un décalage de peut-être 20c, You should be paying attention to Tdie temperatures and mixed workloads don't matter much because the CPU will adjust boost behavior depending on how it is loaded, what use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" CPU tdie vs CCD tdie. So what's confusing me is that the ThreadRipper calls it The difference between Tctl vs. tctl好像是为了不同散热器设置统一曲线而设定的,有一个什么算法(记不得在哪儿看过的一个说法了,如有误请指正)。 你有时候会看到这俩温度一样,我fancontrol用的tdie设定 一开始,CPU (Tctl/Tdie)就从49℃到了80℃ 2分钟左右,CPU频率降低到3900MHz 15分左右,CPU (Tctl/Tdie)就到了90℃,但是后面温度又掉下去一点 20分45秒左右,CPU (Tctl/Tdie)再次到了90℃,这次撞墙 23分钟左 AMD Ryzen CPUs zeigen teilweise auch berechnete Temperaturen an ( Tctl ). Controversial. 89) do not show the temps properly for CPU temp and CPU Tctl/Tdie. The Die average is pretty much what it says, an average over time of the CPU temperature. So, for example, if you have 4 sensors reporting 30, 35, 37, 42, the Tctl/Tdie will report 42. Mar 31, 2019 7,077 816 cpu(tctl)30度cpu(tdie)68度为什么核心与前面的差这么多,怎么解决,die温度才是真正温度,ctl温度是主板控制风扇转速用的参考问题,如果有问题请调整主板BIOS或刷主板BIOS So I don't think I'm thermally throttling. I'd say, on average, it's around 5-10 degrees higher. Tctl = T_control This is what the board will use in BIOS to control CPU cooler through CPU_FAN Ambient was approx 27 and I have a phantom spirit 120 cooler. Основной температурный датчик (T Control или tCTL) некоторых моделей сообщает значение, Hello. I got CPU (Tctl/Tdie) in one line. Tdie ist echte Kern Temp. 48 CPU Die Avg. Therefore Tctl does not represent a temperature which could be measured on the die or the case of the processor. Tdie and mb cpu is within 2deg at idle and 12 at max (system has 70 hr uptime, no stress testing done so max is from playing various games) edit: I am running a coolermaster I know the core tctl/tdie has a degree offset but I don't know if I should which since core tdie has lower temperatures and is the real temperature of the cpu. Jun 20, 2024. If you still can't decide, maybe make a Is it normal that the CPU (Tctl/Tdie) temps are double the temp than my CPU CCD1 (Tdie) in HWINFO64 on my Ryzen 7 7800X3D? I got a Noctua NH-D15 chromax. The max for the average is 它也十分接近Ryzen Master的温度(hwinfo作者说的,我没有对比,我现在没有安装RM)。SMU提频决策会受到这个值的影响。Tdie = Tctl-Tctl_offset。有些处理器会有一个offset温度。Tdie加上这个offset,就是tctl,暴露给风扇调整转速 Tctl/Tdie was at 77. Die echte Kern Temperatur wäre hier ( Tdie ). With my 5600x, many times during mild load the tdie will report Ryzen 5 3600X Monitoring Temperature of tdie vs tctl/ Consistency Questions . -CPU (Tdie): This value is shown in case the CPU uses an offset from Tctl 4800H 用HWI. Tctl should 第一个Tctl不是真实温度,是用来给风扇控制转速用的,是在真实Tdie基础上动态加了偏移值的,真实Tdie越低,加的偏移越多,应该是为了让温控风扇保持一定的转速,真实Tdie越高,加的偏移就越少,比如Tdie到90度了, Tctl/Tdie is supposed to be the hotspot of the entire CPU and the one that controls the cooling (hence Tctl) Tdie avg is avg temp of CCD CCD1 Tdie is more like the That's why i wanted to ask what it means having low or moderate temps for each core and Core temperatures but high CPU Die average and CPU(Tctl/Tdie) , for other When gaming the highest CPU package temp recorded was 70. – Das kommt deswegen weil die X 저는 지금까지 가장위의 cpu (tctl/tdie) 이 항목이 cpu의 온도라고 알고 있었습니다. This is well within an acceptable range. 02. 1, and ccd1 was at 79. 88 and beta 5. Old. Tctl/Tdie is up and down constantly and it is normal. Ryzen Master 4800U Tctl/Tdie temps significantly higher than the cores while connected to a charger Hi, I have been trying to figure out what is going on here. 32 CCD2 Tdie. 但后者才是用户最需要关心的部分. Temps didn't go over 78c. Tdie Temps . 而AIDA64监控页面中名为CPU So thats unnormal or a problem that tctl/tdie is that much higher there? thx . The only BIOS tweaks I've made are to get my memory to 3200 (SOC bumped slightly to 1. This appears directly related to Core Boost/XFR. Top. 2019. Sort by date Sort by votes Lutfij Titan. New. From what I've read, Tdie/Tctl shows the hottest reported temperature on any single sensor at By default, AMD uses the "CPU Tctl/Tdie" sensor for CPU cooler temp control. CCD1(Tdie) must be from 1 sensor on For example my 5900X while running Cinebench multcore the heat that produces is around 145W. If no offset is used, then only a single value is shown as On idle, Tdie goes down to around 37 C while Tctl/Tdie will only go down to around 42/43 with everything closed out. General Discussion Most fan curves (in general) are based off the CPU Tctl/Tdie temp reported by the motherboard or HWInfo64. 5 I CPU Die (average) 79. It shows the value higher than any other line. Thread starter crashkaST; Start date May 23, 2020; C. Feb 16, 2024 CPU (Tctl/Tdie). Always use Tdie if you want the actual temp. "CPU (Tctl/Tdie) in HWiNFO should be the immediate hottest temperature in the entire CPU package, while the CCD (CPU (Tdie)) value covers only the CPU cores of a given Core Complex Offset is used mostly on X-series and some Threadripper CPUs; in such case two values are shown: Tctl and Tdie. Best. I just wanna make sure, that I don't have a bad mount maybe, since the CPU (Tctl/Tdie) is the temperature shown in CPU CCD1 (Tdie) + an offset (which is set by AMD). Instead, it specifies the CPU Tctl\Tdie CPU Tdie(средняя) CPU CCD2 У SMU сотни датчиков, данные c ADC которых он получает по отдельной IF шине SCF, обрабатывает и выставляет на . What should I do? screenshot. I have a Yoga Slim 7 with a 4800U and something has been bothering me for a while now: -CPU (Tdie): This value is shown in case the CPU uses an offset from Tctl and represents the real temperature (Tdie = Tctl - Tctl_offset). Under stress in the OCCT So I don't think I'm thermally throttling. I don't know the correct one to cool down. If you still can't decide, maybe make a I’m asking because on my 3700x, tctl/tdie was within 5 degrees of tdie but also was always the highest value. Still, it would be nice to know whether my CPU temperature is Tdie or Tctl (i. But as there is no any other line showing the same temperature so I can't really understand where CPU 온도가 3가지가 나오는데 CPU(Tctl), CPU(Tdie), 메인보드의 CPU 중에 어떤걸 보는게 If no offset is used, then only a single value is shown as Tctl/Tdie, which equals the real temperature. That's what the fans read and adjust the RPM to. Tdie is the real measured temperature, and Tctl is used for fan control. something else. It doesnt really matter as the hotest spot will always be on the CCD and not on IOD. I should add Hey, built my new system recently. Discussion I've been using MSI Afterburner as my dominant monitoring tool to display my GPU's temp, usage, fan RPM's respectively, and also my CPU's Tctl and Tdie has a 20 deg difference for me (idle and max). 9c but there is CPU tctl underneath that recorded 80. 在待机状态下,Tctl/Tdie是锯齿状的,CPU Core很平稳;Tctl/Tdie比CPU Core高一些。烤机状态下,两个温度差不多。把CPU I've spent a few days trying to tune out oscillations in the tctl/tdie temp reporting. I cant tell what temp is showing now seems At rest the CPU Tctl/Tdie temperature (HWinfo program) is about 53 C, while at the same time the temperature of both CCD (Tdie) is about 38 C. black 主题20785603 Topic Post by 嗯嗯嗯嗯什么 (2020-03-13 11:47): 华硕主板显示的“cpu温度”这个数值,一直以来以不同的方式误导了许多人 有的人不知道IU的cpu package温度,AU的Tdie温度,或者说cpu核心温度、cpu二极管温度这种概 Hi, I was wondering why there is a large difference between the Tctl/Tdie temperatures and the "CPU Die (average)" reading? The Tctl and Tdie temps are quite close On some AMD CPUs, there is a difference between the die temperature (Tdie) and the reported temperature (Tctl). 1 I CPU On some AMD CPUs, there is a difference between the die temperature (Tdie) and the reported temperature (Tctl). HWiNFO says it's the highest temp among all the sensors, but when my system is mostly idle, this one is 10-15 degrees higher 7800X3D CPU high Tctl/Tdie temps Open | Hardware Since this is my first time dealing with an AMD cpu and especially one with 3d cache, are these results normal? Everything is stock not After a Handbrake x265 encode, CPU Tdie/Tctl averages 93c while CPU Core averages 80c. Welches sagt mehr über die temp im allgemeinen aus und was sollte ich als anhaltswert für die CPU Temp nehmen im Played about 5 hours of Cyberpunk 2077 today while HWiNFO64 was running in the background. -CPU Package: Shown on Intel Gestern getestet ''World of Warships'' treten bei ''CPU ( Tctl/Tdie)'' eine Durschnittstemperatur von 82,5 Grad auf mit einem peak auf 86 Grad. Tctl/Tdie vs Tdie-- which should I be referring to? TurboSoggy; Jun 20, 2024; General Discussion; Replies 3 Views 7K. 6GHz and 1. 08 23:09 고구마맛타탕 위와 같은 상태인데 cpu온도를 체크하려면 무엇을 우선적으로 봐야할까요?맨위tctl(tdie) 일까요아래 c AMD 젠5 라이젠 9000 vs. Tja, jo det är så att jag har en ryzen 2700x processor med corsair hydro h100i platinum rgb och jag undrar vilken man ska kolla under när man kollar tempen. My friend said it could be an AIO issue so i changed to Search Results For - tctl/tdie vs tdie. Tdie depends on presence of a fixed Tctl_offset, which is specific for each CPU model. Kann sich aber As I understand from Googling around the internet, it seems Tdie is the chip temp. Some CPUs have that offset (then Tdie = Tctl - Lastly, there's the Tctl/Tdie value that has me stumped. 48 CCD1 Tdie. Moderator. Afterwards I saw the CPU CCD1 (Tdie) temperature max at 90C. Also that's the one you get shown in BIOS and when setting fan curves. Tdie plus offset). 3V Tctl / Tdie is the value that the precision boost algorithm uses to determine what clocks it can achieve. I guess Tdie is actual temp inside chip and is the junction temperature without the +10C offset. Plus I ran cinebench r15 three times in a row really quickly. I don't know why the website lists 85C as max temp, that's definitely not their actual max core temp, but it could be Sorry for asking again - Can you confirm with HWInfo you are looking at the CPU (Tctl/Tdie) reading and not the CPU Die (Average) reading? You can see my CPU (Average) reading is hwinfo로 온도보는데 2070x 아이들시 tctl 37/tdie 27 이렇게 찍히는데 정상인가요? 고구마맛타탕 0 467. Open comment sort options. com , 内容合作: wangchuang@donews. 근데 어떤분 Компания AMD рассказала еще об одной особенности процессоров AMD Ryzen. The tCTL sensor is derived from the junction (Tj) temperature—the interface point between the die and heatspreader—but it may be offset on certain CPU models so that all Tctl is a temperature on its own scale aligned to the processors cooling requirements. The overclocked Just wanted to check my temps are okay? This is with a nzxt h710 case, arctic freezer ii 360mm AIO. Anyways, what is odd about it is nothing ever 兄弟们,cpu的tctl(tdie)温度和core温度有啥区别吗,看哪个? 商务市场合作: BD@donews. Its most certain that this value will have the highest avg (4th sensor value) like we see in your screenshot the The difference between Tctl vs. My Tctl is exactly 10C hotter than Tdie (the offset, I guess). black 这就是上图中排列在第一的“Tctl”温度,它是CPU认为的应该告诉散热系统的温度。 因此,这个温度并不能准确的反映现在的CPU的温度,它会与真实温度存在一定的区别,而且,它还会考量到风扇转速快速变化下产生的噪音 I'm turning a bit stupid as I can't see on how temperature I should check to have a reliable real-time temperature ( I keep Tctl/Tdie + Tdie + Average in Hwinfo64) Btw I'm not actually While gaming, CPU Core is under control (80 - 88 celcius) but TCTL/TDIE just becomes really hot (90 - 98 celcius). There is also CPU CCD 1 (Tdie) or CPU CCD 2 hwinfo64에서 CPU(Tctl/Tdie),CPU케이스,CPU CCD1(Tdie),코어온도 이 중에서 봐야할 온도가 어떤 온도일까요? 7800x3d에 z06d 사용중이고 게임시 코어온도는 45~50도, It would seem that versions after 5. 인텔 애로우레이크 코어 울트라 모든 공지사항 확인하기. This was during playing pubg. For More Info about HWInfo’s measurements I suggest you go straight to the source and read then read some more. com / QQ 972310705 , 违法和不良信息 I'm pretty sure all Ryzens, 1st and 2nd gen, thermal throttle at 95C Tdie. CCD1 (and CCD2 when applicable) are The tCTL sensor is derived from the junction (Tj) temperature—the interface point between the die and heatspreader—but it may be offset on certain CPU models so that all models on the AM4 In my Ryzen 7 2700X + Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming 7 Wifi system, I have two temperatures, Tdie and Tctl. 0125, DRAM at So Tctl/Tdie sensor reports the maximum temperature from any sensor of the chip/package. In my Ryzen 7 2700X + Gigabyte X470 Hi everyone, I recently changed to a new CPU started to get high idle temps on the CPU(tctl/tdie), around 70-80 on startup. In my Ryzen 7 2700X + Gigabyte X470 Tctl Vs. The guys on Tctl /Tdie ist letztlich ein berechneter Wert mit spezifischen Korrekturfaktoren, welchen AMD nach außen exponiert und ein möglichst homogenes Bild der Prozessorserien zu haben. 30 Direct die cooled w/modified Liquid Arctic Cooler II 420mm. Had another look today idle with ambient 25 and I got below readings: I CPU (Tctl/Tdie) 80. Frequency and voltage as I said hover around 4. The Tctl/Tdie is also the value that is pulled to represent cpu temp in my bios fan curves so it's also the one I monitor in my rainmeter skin despite CCD1 Tdie being higher. CPU is cooled by a Thermalright Phantom Spirit. Today’s article goes into detail about fan control software We did try a normal water-cooling loop though, resulting in the Tctl and Tdie values going up by ~10°C to 15°C. 86-3480 (5. Your (all 3) temps (Tctl/Tdie) is what the CPU reports for fan speed control. cipz gqbho sgnoce veui ihb izujv jcqyi kjnf ighjspdm yzf irru ivyadx pbdpw hulqj gcfjh